strange behavior for nvidia

I want to install nvidia drivers for my Geforce GTX650ti.
I follow the procedure, install the good drivers and when i boot i got a very bad screen resolution 640*480 without any possibility to change
in the log i saw this :

systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/-.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.268651] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/-.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.287437] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/-.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.308635] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/-.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.331578] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/-.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.355935] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/-.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.407715] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/home.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.435170] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/home.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.464710] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/home.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?
<3>    7.495100] systemd-fstab-generator[749]: Failed to create mount unit file /run/systemd/generator/home.mount, as it already exists. Duplicate entry in /etc/fstab?

I use yast , ininstall the nvidia drivers
and everything became normal, dual screen , good resolution …
I look at my fstab and suprised i have multiple entry in the file … but with the gl , x11 driver no trouble ??

UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
LABEL=root                                 /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
/dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-525d07f4:681c8d9c:7f105481:08976f2a-part2  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  acl,user_xattr               0  1
UUID=85738a14-eae9-4014-9906-ac66f6acb228  /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
UUID=85738a14-eae9-4014-9906-ac66f6acb228  /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
UUID=85738a14-eae9-4014-9906-ac66f6acb228  /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
/dev/system/home                           /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
/dev/system/home                           /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
/dev/system/home                           /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
/dev/system/home                           /home      ext4  acl,user_xattr,data=ordered  0  2
UUID=3D13-C3E3                             /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  2
UUID=3D13-C3E3                             /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  2
UUID=3D13-C3E3                             /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  2
/dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-525d07f4:681c8d9c:7f105481:08976f2a-part4  /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  2
UUID=3D13-C3E3                             /boot/efi  vfat  defaults                     0  2
UUID=3D13-C3E3                             /boot/efi  vfat  defaults                     0  2
LABEL=efi                                  /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  0
UUID=7cfcb33c-b978-4205-848b-44edac21cc45  swap       swap  defaults                     0  0
UUID=7cfcb33c-b978-4205-848b-44edac21cc45  swap       swap  defaults                     0  0
UUID=7cfcb33c-b978-4205-848b-44edac21cc45  swap       swap  defaults                     0  0
/dev/system/swap                           swap       swap  defaults                     0  0
/dev/system/swap                           swap       swap  defaults                     0  0
/dev/system/swap                           swap       swap  defaults                     0  0
/dev/system/swap                           swap       swap  defaults                     0  0

Fisrt question :
why and how i get yhis multiple entry , i never seen that befor ?
second question
why this is a problem with the nvidia drivers
third question
i can remove all the duplicate entry in fstab ?
Best regards

Absolutely no idea …

second question
why this is a problem with the nvidia drivers

I’m not convinced it’s related to the nvidia driver, I really don’t see how installing those can possibly write to fstab.

Regarding the poor resolution, you are installing the correct driver? From Official Drivers | NVIDIA your Geforce GTX650ti requires the *G05 (450.66) drivers.

third question
i can remove all the duplicate entry in fstab ?
Best regards

Yes, removing those won’t create a problem, do ensure though you only remove duplicated entries :wink:

Having removed them and rebooted, again try the nvidia install, I’m fairly confident it’s not that creating the duplicated entries in fstab… but I’ve been wrong in the past :frowning:

Thank’s for your Answer
I will try to remove duplicate in fstab , i said this is u=in relation with the nvidia installation , because these error message appear after the installation


I will tell you the issue
the version i have used is 450.66

Hi before to test again i still have error message on boot

Before to retest with nividia

should i remove more entry in my fstab ? i mean put all commands on same line for /home ext4 data=ordered defaults , acl, user_xattr …

UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
LABEL=root                                 /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
/dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-525d07f4:681c8d9c:7f105481:08976f2a-part2  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  defaults                     0  1
UUID=57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755  /          ext4  acl,user_xattr               0  1
UUID=85738a14-eae9-4014-9906-ac66f6acb228  /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
/dev/system/home                           /home      ext4  data=ordered                 0  2
/dev/system/home                           /home      ext4  acl,user_xattr,data=ordered  0  2
UUID=3D13-C3E3                             /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  2
/dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-525d07f4:681c8d9c:7f105481:08976f2a-part4  /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  2
UUID=3D13-C3E3                             /boot/efi  vfat  defaults                     0  2
LABEL=efi                                  /boot/efi  vfat  codepage=437                 0  0
UUID=7cfcb33c-b978-4205-848b-44edac21cc45  swap       swap  defaults                     0  0
/dev/system/swap                           swap       swap  defaults                     0  0


I would suggest a review of the partition layout and UUID’s first as root user;


do you mean i shoud run this command ?

the result :
/dev/sda: TYPE=“isw_raid_member”
/dev/sdb: TYPE=“isw_raid_member”
/dev/md126: PTUUID=“000f04b4” PTTYPE=“dos”
/dev/md126p1: UUID=“roix33-tVlz-zn1Q-DHhk-K5TX-ULcq-xwbXhu” TYPE=“LVM2_member” PARTUUID=“000f04b4-01”
/dev/md126p2: LABEL=“root” UUID=“57ba20b5-44f1-4026-bf77-c73bcac4f755” TYPE=“ext4” PARTUUID=“000f04b4-02”
/dev/md126p4: SEC_TYPE=“msdos” LABEL_FATBOOT=“efi” LABEL=“efi” UUID=“3D13-C3E3” TYPE=“vfat” PARTUUID=“000f04b4-04”
/dev/mapper/system-swap: LABEL=“swap” UUID=“7cfcb33c-b978-4205-848b-44edac21cc45” TYPE=“swap”
/dev/mapper/system-home: LABEL=“home” UUID=“85738a14-eae9-4014-9906-ac66f6acb228” TYPE=“ext4”

I have try to install again nvidia drivers
the fstab file is NOT changed !!
so it is not the reason why i got a very bad screen resolution !!
I will open a new subject ??

do you want the xorg.config file ??

I saw it was’nt changed ?? the file is from juillet 2020 .

Could you post some basic video info first. (You may need to install “inxi”, “xdpyinfo”, and “Mesa-demo-x” first, they’re in the Main OSS 15.2 repositories)

inxi -Gxx

please find

Graphics:  Device-1: NVIDIA GK106 [GeForce GTX 650 Ti] vendor: ZOTAC driver: nouveau v: kernel bus ID: 01:00.0 
           chip ID: 10de:11c6 
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.3 compositor: kwin_x11 driver: modesetting unloaded: fbdev,vesa,vmware 
           alternate: vboxvideo resolution: 1: 1920x1200~60Hz 2: 1920x1080~60Hz s-dpi: 96 
           OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 9.0.1 256 bits) v: 3.3 Mesa 19.3.4 compat-v: 3.1 direct render: Yes 

And that is with the nvidia driver not installed?

Do you have an “xorg.conf” located at /etc/X11/ ?

If you have, and still without installing the nvidia driver, temporarily rename “xorg.conf” to “xorg.conf.saved”, then:

Just to confirm, you are using the Index of /opensuse/tumbleweed repository for the drivers?

If so, then try installing again: x11-video-nvidiaG05, nvidia-glG05, nvidia-gfxG05-kmp-default, and nvidia-computeG05.

After installation reboot and see if you now have the correct resolution, don’t at this stage try to change the resolution.

Again post the output of “inxi -Gxx”

Sorry, my mistake, the repository url should be Index of /opensuse/leap/15.2 (That’s what comes of replying from my TW machine and just blindly copying the url… :frowning: )

I will do again , but this was the drivers i have installed.

I will look at the xorg.conf file after install

the xorg actual :

ection "Device"
  Identifier "vboxvideo"
  Driver  "vboxvideo"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "vboxvideo"
  Device "vboxvideo"

Section "Device"
  Identifier "vmware"
  Driver  "vmware"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "vmware"
  Device "vmware"

Section "Device"
  Identifier "modesetting"
  Driver  "modesetting"
  Option "PreferCloneMode" "true"
Section "Screen"
  Identifier "modesetting"
  Device "modesetting"

Section "Device"
  Identifier "fbdev"
  Driver  "fbdev"
Section "Screen"
  Identifier "fbdev"
  Device "fbdev"

Section "Device"
  Identifier "vesa"
  Driver  "vesa"

Section "Screen"
  Identifier "vesa"
  Device "vesa"

Section "ServerLayout"
  Identifier "Layout"
  Screen  "vboxvideo"
  Screen  "vmware"
  Screen  "modesetting"
  Screen  "fbdev"
  Screen  "vesa"

the xorg actual :

The /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
Rename it and restart.

yes xorg.conf

i have re installed and as expeded no change in the xorg.conf and same trouble for resolution

do you mean i should rename the file , and after install again the nvidia ?


do you mean i should rename the file , and after install again the nvidia ? 

Yes, I would do so.

I run here for over 10 years nvidia graphics with the nvidia driver without needing an xorg.conf.
And that for different nvidia graghics: GT 7600GS, GT 650, GT 7xx and now an GTX 1060.

Great !!
no more xorg.conf and the problem solved !!

thanks a lot !

Is that’s mean it is a bug in install script ? they should remove the xorg.conf file ?


In which install script?

from yast RPM