Steam on Suse?

HI! I was an avid user of OpenSuse but I’ve not used it for some years. I’m contemplating coming back to it since I don’t like Unity on Ubuntu and Lubuntu has been derping out on me recently. I just want to know if Steam runs well on Suse. I’ve heard it does but I would like to know if there are any know common issues the users have noticed. Just in case, I have an ATI Radeon HD 6970 and an Intel i7. Thanks in advance.

Looks to me like it runs.

[Steam - openSUSE](

Thanks a bunch. I’ll give it a try since Lubuntu is still rather rough around the edges.

hey Sykal, let us know if you managed it and enjoying steam on OpenSuse :slight_smile: I wonder if these differ for different manufacturers etc,
good luck!

If it’s of any consequence, I installed it on openSUSE 12.3 and it runs great. Installed Half Life 2 beta and it’s pretty good too. :slight_smile:

cool :slight_smile: when I get free time I am going to install PES13

just q to you Kinzie, what g.card you have and how you installed drivers? I mean my opensues is fresh install with one-click nvidia, so hope its gona be ok…

Hi loand. I’m currently using openSUSE 12.3 KDE (64 bit) and Steam on a Samsung laptop that uses an ATI Mobility 750G card. It also has a dual core 2.7Ghz processor. Not a terrific spec, but so far Half Life 2 seems pretty good. The Catalyst driver is installed and maintained from Index of /mirror/amd-fglrx. I have nVidia on my desktop PC which I have not yet been able to install openSUSE onto yet (still got everything boxed up in the house ready for decorating!), but like you I hope the driver works well when I get the chance to use it. My honest feeling is if the AMD driver is fine, then the nVidia one should be even better.

BTW I don’t think you’ll find PES 2013 available for Linux in Steam. Sadly. :frowning: I would love to play that on openSUSE. I’m a massive PES fan.

Hope this helps.

I just got a laptop and installing openSuse and configuring plus I am busy all month so hope steam for linux is just straight forward installation and all good to play…

yee, you probably right about no PES for linux, I just saw linux link on steam and didnt really check it, but anyway when you get a chance pm me and we definitely play a match :slight_smile:
I should be less busy in June so hopefully have time for a game or two…

best of Luck!


I know this thread is all but closed. But, I’ve tried installing Steam on 12.2, both from YAST and from the 1-click link on When I go to launch it I get a pop-up saying: “this version of steam is still in closed beta”. When I run as root, it launches fine. Has anyone any clues on what’s gone wrong with my install?


Hi, I have installed steam from just yesterday. I am using 12.3 and Steam along with CS:S is running very well. I believe used the games/64 bit and opened it with the default installer. All works - no beta message. Good luck if you have not already succeeded.

how about suse dedicated servers?
anyone know how to set one up?

is the in game mouse sensitivity the same?