steam games online problem

ok so i know about removing devices like if for example i have virtual box installed it may fix online issues in steam due to the steam games in proton not selecting the correct internet device BUT i have been trying to use

firejail --net=w3p5s0 --dns= --noprofile steam

which is my wifi card ive tried ot without the --dns and on my home wifi borderlands 3 the connection times out and on left4dead too it tells me i cant connect online due to connection blocked and asks me t remove any add ons which i have zero and my fiance has a laptop but hers dose NOT have virtualbox installed and hers is a fresh install i even have this problem on hers no matter whose wifi i connect to im at a loss ive been trying to play games online in steam for such a long time what could be the issue this is very frustrating. i can go as far as to turn off my firewall or hers no difference and i personally even did a fresh install of opensuse to no avail. its no mty my rougher because my linux games like csgo connect online just fin same with stardew vally. so i believe its clearing something with proton i even tried GE and if i can specify my wifi card or device with firejail then what is the problem and considering my fiances laptop cant connect online woth proton and no virtualbox to speak of then idk ive been dealing with this for almost 5 months its driving me crazy.

also a NOTE: for example i can connect fine in proton games like bl3 just fine to my shift account and in mgs5 i can connect or sign in fine but all of them when i go to a match online connection failed or blocked or timed out.

ok so i triedsome free games like mech warrior online and warframe actually connect online just fine with proton s why wont any of my other games work what gives

I did not really read all of your post, but while it is apparently something about network connection, it seems games connected. Do you want me to move it to our Games section to draw the attention of fellow gamers?

I have the same problems

I play different games without issues. But I never download these or play these on doubtful resources. It is important to avoid sites that let you play games not officially. You can try for free any game, actually, but in a demo format. So you can find a lot of free stuff on And the content is being constantly updated.