Steam flash ? problems

Problem, and what i already tried:

Opensuse 12.2 64 bit.

In the steam store, through the steam client, the flash videos, do not work.
In the window it says, wrong flash version.

Viewing the same page in Firefox, is not a problem, everything works.

Looking around the web, I found a solution.
Copy the 32bit to the right folder.

I tried this, but is does not work for me. ( I then manual copied also all the other files from the rpm in to place, like the readme from adobe tells you)
Still nothing, steam keeps saying wrong version.

Then I tried
Installing the 32 flash.rpm from adobe with apper, but this breaks flash 64 in Firefox.
And steam is still not happy.

Through a dutch linux forum, I got a tip to try ndiswrapper.

I installed this, through yast.


I can’ t find a manual on ndiswrapper. ( I have been searching for days)
When I enter on the commandline: man ndiswrapper, it tells me : There is no page about ndiswrapper

As far as I understand it, I now only need to install flash 32 bit through ndiswrapper.
But how ?

ndiswrapper AFAIK is for wireless networkcards. I’m seeing the same issue in Steam BTW ( just testing, not really interested ).

Got ir:

Download the 32bit flashplayer from Adobe, in the tar.gz version to /home/YOUR_USERNAME/Downloads
Open a terminal window and do

mkdir FlashPlayer
cd FlashPlayer
tar -xvf ~/Downloads/install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz
su -c 'mkdir /usr/lib/browser-plugins'
chmod 755
su -c 'cp /usr/lib/browser-plugins'

Now (re)start Steam, Flash should be working.

This is what I installed: | nspluginwrapper - Compatibility Layer for Netscape 4 Plug-Ins



nspluginwrapper is a proxy plug-in and viewer for NPAPI browser plug-ins. It allows browsers to run foreign plug-ins built for a different architecture, most commonly to run a 32-bit plug-in in a 64-bit browser.

Although I am a bit confused, flash in steam is working now !!!

Basically that what I did, I only copied the files through the desktop.
And I added a folder in .steam/steam/Unbuntu12_32 called plugins. (instead of user lib)
In this folder I copied the flash
Then copied the other files from the rpm into place, through the desktop.

What keeps confusing me, there are more files in the tar, a folder called usr.
Why do most solutions ignore this? To me it looks you shouldn’t.

After this installed nspluginwrapper ( because it was still not working in steam) and that did the trick.

So the solution for me was nspluginwrapper, I cant tell if it was this programm or the 32bit libs it added, but after rebooting it worked
( just quitting steam and restarting steam was not enough )

Installing nspluginwrapper ( and the libs the package manager added ) fixed another problem too.

I now have music playing, in Teamfortress 2, at the screen were you click online gaming.

A list with dependencies is clearly needed. :slight_smile: