Statistics: October

A big thanks from the forum staff to those frequent contributors to the community. Here are some statistics for the month of October:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Monday, 01 Nov 2010 10:00:34 GMT
User stats from Friday, 01 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT
to Sunday, 31 Oct 2010 23:42:06 GMT
Full Name               Total Root  Reply MoAvg Thrd  RRepl NURep Grps
---------               ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
caf4926                 671   7     629   616   252   123   0     20  
oldcpu                  585   9     449   440   153   58    0     17  
Knurpht                 368   5     352   345   301   91    0     27  
please try again        408   8     350   343   181   74    0     21  
Carlos E. R.            287   2     284   278   147   72    0     16  
DenverD                 264   1     262   256   162   84    0     19  
jdmcdaniel3             305   7     261   255   149   102   0     14  
ken yap                 260   1     251   246   146   89    0     14  
gropiuskalle            222   0     222   217   120   30    0     20  
robin listas            205   5     193   189   112   30    0     15  
malcolmlewis            177   0     174   170   84    33    0     18  
hcvv                    154   0     154   151   68    18    0     12  
ah7013                  190   11    153   150   130   46    0     17  
gogalthorp              148   0     148   145   108   40    0     2   
consused                141   0     141   138   55    17    0     10  
Akoellh                 134   0     134   131   70    23    0     15  
techwiz03               107   0     107   105   55    17    0     11  
swerdna                 101   2     92    90    43    9     0     11  
tsu2                    144   14    90    88    81    16    0     7   
alexdbars               89    1     87    85    67    46    0     13  
phanisvara              87    0     87    85    58    14    0     7   
Jim Henderson           86    0     86    84    42    18    0     11  
vodoo                   90    5     77    75    62    26    0     18  
tararpharazon           73    0     73    71    36    10    0     4   
syampillai              65    2     61    60    36    17    0     12  
FlameBait               115   14    60    59    48    5     0     8   
martin helm             58    0     58    57    38    10    0     13  
otto oz                 122   13    56    55    53    10    0     13  
Edward Iii              55    0     55    54    29    19    0     7   
rodhuffaker             55    0     54    53    33    18    0     4   
dvhenry                 81    4     49    48    19    7     0     4   
cyberiad                48    1     47    46    41    18    0     15  
udaman                  48    1     45    44    32    17    0     10  
deano ferrari           45    0     45    44    23    12    0     9   
dragonbite              45    0     45    44    31    3     0     8   
john hudson             45    0     45    44    37    19    0     8   
chief sealth            52    2     44    43    34    8     0     7   
brad455                 49    3     41    40    30    11    0     11  
Ab                      40    0     40    39    24    17    0     6   
Larry Finger            39    0     38    37    18    3     0     5   
yester64                94    12    36    35    41    7     0     4   
Per Jessen              36    0     36    35    8     6     0     5   
Will Honea              38    1     35    34    21    1     0     6   
stakanov                43    4     34    33    23    7     0     9   
l1zard                  38    2     33    32    24    3     0     13  
kaiserhg                32    0     32    31    21    12    0     9   
Pistazienfresser        43    4     31    30    26    10    0     10  
PV                      30    0     30    29    13    8     0     3   

Some forum specific statistics:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Monday, 01 Nov 2010 10:00:34 GMT
Forum stats from Friday, 01 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT
to Sunday, 31 Oct 2010 23:42:06 GMT
Forum :
   Total : 2981  Root : 405   Replies : 1794  Waiting : 58    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 4   NoReply : 58    Lines : 73295 Lines/msg : 24   
 Average root reply time : 19:00  Average reply time : 1d 20:35
   Top repliers :
 caf4926 [Default]  : 150 (8%)
 DenverD [Default]  : 97 (5%)
 Carlos E. R. [Default]  : 97 (5%)
Forum :
   Total : 2473  Root : 234   Replies : 1585  Waiting : 10    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 5   NoReply : 10    Lines : 65903 Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 8:49  Average reply time : 2d 4:09
   Top repliers :
 caf4926 [Default]  : 198 (12%)
 please try again [Default]  : 177 (11%)
 Carlos E. R. [Default]  : 113 (7%)
Forum :
   Total : 1067  Root : 65    Replies : 798   Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 4   NoReply : 1     Lines : 27593 Lines/msg : 25   
 Average root reply time : 2:53  Average reply time : 1d 15:10
   Top repliers :
 techwiz03 [Default]  : 47 (5%)
 Knurpht [Default]  : 43 (5%)
 Jim Henderson [Default]  : 42 (5%)
Forum :
   Total : 896   Root : 120   Replies : 523   Waiting : 16    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 16    Lines : 26388 Lines/msg : 29   
 Average root reply time : 3d 5:40  Average reply time : 2d 12:50
   Top repliers :
 oldcpu [Default]  : 80 (15%)
 jdmcdaniel3 [Default]  : 39 (7%)
 caf4926 [Default]  : 36 (6%)
Forum :
   Total : 798   Root : 78    Replies : 464   Waiting : 5     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 4   NoReply : 5     Lines : 25300 Lines/msg : 31   
 Average root reply time : 1d 12:48  Average reply time : 1d 15:41
   Top repliers :
 oldcpu [Default]  : 125 (26%)
 caf4926 [Default]  : 64 (13%)
 consused [Default]  : 33 (7%)
Forum :
   Total : 784   Root : 104   Replies : 467   Waiting : 13    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 13    Lines : 22799 Lines/msg : 29   
 Average root reply time : 4d 14:28  Average reply time : 4d 12:28
   Top repliers :
 tsu2 [Default]  : 43 (9%)
 ken yap [Default]  : 31 (6%)
 swerdna [Default]  : 31 (6%)
Forum :
   Total : 543   Root : 54    Replies : 324   Waiting : 5     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 5     Lines : 16235 Lines/msg : 29   
 Average root reply time : 23:35  Average reply time : 3d 16:48
   Top repliers :
 caf4926 [Default]  : 62 (19%)
 rodhuffaker [Default]  : 45 (13%)
 Akoellh [Default]  : 44 (13%)
Forum :
   Total : 367   Root : 47    Replies : 205   Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 9816  Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 2d 14:26  Average reply time : 3d 7:19
   Top repliers :
 malcolmlewis [Default]  : 29 (14%)
 oldcpu [Default]  : 28 (13%)
 jdmcdaniel3 [Default]  : 15 (7%)
Forum :
   Total : 362   Root : 54    Replies : 192   Waiting : 8     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 8     Lines : 15702 Lines/msg : 43   
 Average root reply time : 7d 20:52  Average reply time : 2d 8:51
   Top repliers :
 ken yap [Default]  : 31 (16%)
 jdmcdaniel3 [Default]  : 25 (13%)
 please try again [Default]  : 17 (8%)
Forum :
   Total : 287   Root : 36    Replies : 172   Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 3     Lines : 8203  Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 6:23  Average reply time : 19:20
   Top repliers :
 please try again [Default]  : 25 (14%)
 Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 14 (8%)
 gropiuskalle [Default]  : 11 (6%)
Forum :
   Total : 278   Root : 8     Replies : 261   Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 0     Lines : 8472  Lines/msg : 30   
 Average root reply time : 1:33  Average reply time : 16:41
   Top repliers :
 Per Jessen [Default]  : 26 (9%)
 oldcpu [Default]  : 20 (7%)
 Jim Henderson [Default]  : 18 (6%)
Forum :
   Total : 252   Root : 31    Replies : 185   Waiting : 15    Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 2   NoReply : 15    Lines : 5988  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 12:34  Average reply time : 20:32
   Top repliers :
 hcvv [Default]  : 27 (14%)
 Akoellh [Default]  : 24 (12%)
 consused [Default]  : 20 (10%)
Forum :
   Total : 185   Root : 17    Replies : 114   Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 1     Lines : 4420  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 10d 12:21  Average reply time : 5d 11:42
   Top repliers :
 caf4926 [Default]  : 23 (20%)
 Wrath5000 [Default]  : 9 (7%)
 vplessky [Default]  : 9 (7%)
Forum :
   Total : 183   Root : 13    Replies : 124   Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 6098  Lines/msg : 33   
 Average root reply time : 4d 16:51  Average reply time : 8d 3:47
   Top repliers :
 caf4926 [Default]  : 12 (9%)
 please try again [Default]  : 11 (8%)
 Carlos E. R. [Default]  : 7 (5%)
Forum :
   Total : 145   Root : 19    Replies : 101   Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 3335  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 59m  Average reply time : 14:12
   Top repliers :
 caf4926 [Default]  : 11 (10%)
 DenverD [Default]  : 11 (10%)
 Knurpht [Default]  : 9 (8%)
Forum :
   Total : 104   Root : 7     Replies : 66    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 1     Lines : 3541  Lines/msg : 34   
 Average root reply time : 2:07  Average reply time : 20:57
   Top repliers :
 oldcpu [Default]  : 17 (25%)
 otto oz [Default]  : 9 (13%)
 erikro [Default]  : 6 (9%)
Forum :
   Total : 99    Root : 11    Replies : 66    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 2210  Lines/msg : 22   
 Average root reply time : 3d 12:04  Average reply time : 2d 10:42
   Top repliers :
 DenverD [Default]  : 6 (9%)
 caf4926 [Default]  : 5 (7%)
 taytong888 [Default]  : 5 (7%)
Forum :
   Total : 79    Root : 17    Replies : 41    Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 1878  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 1d 7:24  Average reply time : 1d 1:40
   Top repliers :
 malcolmlewis [Default]  : 8 (19%)
 Akoellh [Default]  : 6 (14%)
 jdmcdaniel3 [Default]  : 6 (14%)
Forum :
   Total : 79    Root : 16    Replies : 40    Waiting : 4     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 4     Lines : 1520  Lines/msg : 19   
 Average root reply time : 28d 8:41  Average reply time : 14d 2:06
   Top repliers :
 malcolmlewis [Default]  : 4 (10%)
 deano ferrari [Default]  : 3 (7%)
 baskitcaise [Default]  : 3 (7%)
Forum :
   Total : 57    Root : 6     Replies : 50    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 1108  Lines/msg : 19   
 Average root reply time : 2d 16:16  Average reply time : 13d 10:12
   Top repliers :
 consused [Default]  : 5 (10%)
 ken yap [Default]  : 3 (6%)
 lipk [Default]  : 3 (6%)
Forum :
   Total : 57    Root : 3     Replies : 47    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 1   NoReply : 1     Lines : 889   Lines/msg : 15   
 Average root reply time : 16:30  Average reply time : 1d 12:41
   Top repliers :
 caf4926 [Default]  : 3 (6%)
 dragonbite [Default]  : 3 (6%)
 Dexter1979 [Default]  : 3 (6%)
Forum :
   Total : 56    Root : 11    Replies : 29    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 1222  Lines/msg : 21   
 Average root reply time : 15:59  Average reply time : 1d 10:21
   Top repliers :
 Linuxsusefan [Default]  : 7 (24%)
 caerdu [Default]  : 5 (17%)
 kaiserhg [Default]  : 5 (17%)
Forum :
   Total : 54    Root : 13    Replies : 27    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 1181  Lines/msg : 21   
 Average root reply time : 1d 2:21  Average reply time : 1d 6:40
   Top repliers :
 Linuxsusefan [Default]  : 5 (18%)
 Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 3 (11%)
 dietger [Default]  : 3 (11%)
Forum :
   Total : 43    Root : 8     Replies : 21    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 1017  Lines/msg : 23   
 Average root reply time : 22:06  Average reply time : 2d 4:37
   Top repliers :
 Edward Iii [Default]  : 4 (19%)
 please try again [Default]  : 3 (14%)
 Jim Henderson [Default]  : 3 (14%)
Forum :
   Total : 34    Root : 4     Replies : 28    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 645   Lines/msg : 18   
 Average root reply time : 4d 6:00  Average reply time : 2d 0:35
   Top repliers :
 kaiserhg [Default]  : 5 (17%)
 dietger [Default]  : 3 (10%)
 Alexander Naumov [Default]  : 3 (10%)
Forum :
   Total : 34    Root : 6     Replies : 21    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 472   Lines/msg : 13   
 Average root reply time : 1:04  Average reply time : 7:29
   Top repliers :
 hcvv [Default]  : 7 (33%)
 DenverD [Default]  : 5 (23%)
 caf4926 [Default]  : 2 (9%)
Forum :
   Total : 32    Root : 4     Replies : 22    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 658   Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 2:44  Average reply time : 3:50
   Top repliers :
 DenverD [Default]  : 7 (31%)
 phanisvara [Default]  : 3 (13%)
 Jim Henderson [Default]  : 2 (9%)
Forum :
   Total : 27    Root : 4     Replies : 21    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 712   Lines/msg : 26   
 Average root reply time : 1d 10:00  Average reply time : 1d 10:12
   Top repliers :
 Rajko M. [Default]  : 6 (28%)
 consused [Default]  : 5 (23%)
 Spyhawk [Default]  : 3 (14%)
Forum :
   Total : 26    Root : 6     Replies : 12    Waiting : 3     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 3     Lines : 735   Lines/msg : 28   
 Average root reply time : 5:00  Average reply time : 1d 16:21
   Top repliers :
 BuddelBob [Default]  : 3 (25%)
 please try again [Default]  : 2 (16%)
 Lord Emsworth [Default]  : 1 (8%)
Forum :
   Total : 24    Root : 1     Replies : 12    Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 1518  Lines/msg : 63   
 Average root reply time : 7:30  Average reply time : 8:04
   Top repliers :
 Akoellh [Default]  : 11 (91%)
 Uwe Buckesfeld [Default]  : 1 (8%)
Forum :
   Total : 23    Root : 5     Replies : 11    Waiting : 1     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 1     Lines : 703   Lines/msg : 30   
 Average root reply time : 1d 23:36  Average reply time : 2d 0:47
   Top repliers :
 kaiserhg [Default]  : 3 (27%)
 erikro [Default]  : 2 (18%)
 Akoellh [Default]  : 2 (18%)
Forum :
   Total : 10    Root : 2     Replies : 8     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 207   Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 8d 18:00  Average reply time : 6d 3:10
   Top repliers :
 ReferenceSeete [Default]  : 3 (37%)
 FlameBait [Default]  : 2 (25%)
 Knurpht [Default]  : 1 (12%)
Forum :
   Total : 10    Root : 3     Replies : 7     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 168   Lines/msg : 16   
 Average root reply time : 22:09  Average reply time : 18:45
   Top repliers :
 Knurpht [Default]  : 1 (14%)
 oeilvert [Default]  : 1 (14%)
 erikro [Default]  : 1 (14%)
Forum :
   Total : 9     Root : 1     Replies : 5     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 186   Lines/msg : 20   
 Average root reply time : 15:47  Average reply time : 4d 22:00
   Top repliers :
 gropiuskalle [Default]  : 3 (60%)
 Uwe Buckesfeld [Default]  : 1 (20%)
 dalonge [Default]  : 1 (20%)
Forum :
   Total : 9     Root : 0     Replies : 5     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 246   Lines/msg : 27   
 Average reply time : 17d 1:33
   Top repliers :
 John F10 [Default]  : 3 (60%)
 DenverD [Default]  : 1 (20%)
 p1ng3r [Default]  : 1 (20%)
Forum :
   Total : 6     Root : 6     Replies : 0     Waiting : 2     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 2     Lines : 95    Lines/msg : 15   

Forum :
   Total : 4     Root : 1     Replies : 1     Waiting : 0     Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 0   NoReply : 0     Lines : 133   Lines/msg : 33   
 Average root reply time : 1:30  Average reply time : 5:10
   Top repliers :
 Pistazienfresser [Default]  : 1 (100%)
Forum group : : 37 active forums
   Total : 12477 Root : 1420  Replies : 7849  Waiting : 162   Xposts : 0    
   Empty : 29   NoReply : 162   Lines : 340591 Lines/msg : 27   
 Average root reply time : 2d 0:40  Average reply time : 2d 10:42

And some time stats:

Forum stats 3.60 by Marcel Cox
Monday, 01 Nov 2010 10:00:34 GMT
Miscellaneous stats from Friday, 01 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT
to Sunday, 31 Oct 2010 23:59:59 GMT
Hourly message distribution, all messages (GMT):
 0 |*******************************                         442 ( 4%)
 1 |****************************                            407 ( 3%)
 2 |****************************                            394 ( 3%)
 3 |************************                                344 ( 3%)
 4 |****************************                            394 ( 3%)
 5 |***************************                             379 ( 3%)
 6 |******************************                          434 ( 3%)
 7 |*************************                               360 ( 3%)
 8 |*********************************                       466 ( 4%)
 9 |****************************                            399 ( 3%)
10 |*********************************                       473 ( 4%)
11 |****************************************                573 ( 5%)
12 |**************************************                  547 ( 4%)
13 |************************************                    519 ( 4%)
14 |****************************************                575 ( 5%)
15 |***************************************************     733 ( 6%)
16 |*********************************************           644 ( 5%)
17 |*********************************************           636 ( 5%)
18 |**********************************************          660 ( 5%)
19 |*************************************************       699 ( 6%)
20 |*****************************************************   757 ( 6%)
21 |******************************************              595 ( 5%)
22 |***************************************                 553 ( 4%)
23 |***********************************                     494 ( 4%)
Daily message distribution, all messages (day of month):
 1 |*******************************************             430 ( 3%)
 2 |******************************************              421 ( 3%)
 3 |****************************************                405 ( 3%)
 4 |**********************************************          462 ( 4%)
 5 |***********************************************         478 ( 4%)
 6 |*************************************                   377 ( 3%)
 7 |************************************************        484 ( 4%)
 8 |**************************************                  379 ( 3%)
 9 |*********************************                       335 ( 3%)
10 |********************************                        319 ( 3%)
11 |*****************************************               411 ( 3%)
12 |******************************                          302 ( 2%)
13 |*************************************                   373 ( 3%)
14 |*******************************                         315 ( 3%)
15 |*********************************                       328 ( 3%)
16 |*****************************************               417 ( 3%)
17 |***************************************************     509 ( 4%)
18 |**********************************                      344 ( 3%)
19 |*********************************************           454 ( 4%)
20 |*****************************************               417 ( 3%)
21 |*******************************************             438 ( 4%)
22 |********************************************            447 ( 4%)
23 |********************************                        324 ( 3%)
24 |*******************************                         313 ( 3%)
25 |*****************************************************   534 ( 4%)
26 |**************************************                  384 ( 3%)
27 |************************************************        487 ( 4%)
28 |***********************************************         472 ( 4%)
29 |******************************************              427 ( 3%)
30 |****************************                            281 ( 2%)
31 |*****************************************               410 ( 3%)
Weekday message distribution, all messages (1=Monday...7=Sunday):
 7 |****************************************************   1956 (16%)
 1 |**********************************************         1751 (14%)
 2 |*******************************************            1618 (13%)
 3 |********************************************           1654 (13%)
 4 |*********************************************          1709 (14%)
 5 |*****************************************************  2011 (16%)
 6 |***********************************************        1778 (14%)

And for something new, if you want to see which forums individuals are posting in, you can download the file here:

(I’ve never used this file hosting site before, let me know if it’s a piece of garbage. :\ )

Forum :
Total : 104 Root : 7 Replies : 66 Waiting : 1 Xposts : 0
Empty : 1 NoReply : 1 Lines : 3541 Lines/msg : 34
Average root reply time : 2:07 Average reply time : 20:57
** Top repliers :**
** oldcpu [Default] : 17 (25%)**
otto oz [Default] : 9 (13%)
erikro [Default] : 6 (9%)

In Anbetracht, dass ich nicht Deutsch sprechen, was halten Sie von diesen Statistiken? :open_mouth:

In truth, I did have some help from Google translate ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Kim
I was rather surprised to see my name top of the list again, as last month seemed quiet to me and I know I was busy with other stuff in life :wink:

We all appreciate your conscientiousness in providing this detail.

Thanks for the statistics. Glad to see my name still on the list this month.

Ah, it’s just your evil twin running up those 23000+ posts. lol!

I am surprised to be on this list at all. Most of my post are in this part of the forum I am sure.

I have been helped by almost everyone in the top ten.
