starting plex

So I installed plex but I was curious on how to start plex in the command line and once started how do I get to the page to set the movies to plex so I can watch them on my roku? Thanks for any help.

You are a master in not giving any information :frowning:

What version of openSUSE? Did you install plex from the standard repos, when not where from, how?
Is there any documentation (man pages) installed with the product and did you consult it?

I do not know anything about neither plex nor your roku, but are you sure that people knowing more or less vaguely what they are can understand what you did and asked for?

On 03/19/2013 07:26 AM, DMGrier wrote:
> curious on how to start plex in the command line
> how do I get to the page to set the movies

have a look here


12.3, do apologize again. I am not sure if the option is hidden cause I could not find it but I have to get use to posting what I am using cause with most message boards I would have that in my signature so I did not worry about remembering to tell people what I was running.

This was the website I got it from
Plex Media Server rpm’s for SUSE - Linux - Plex Forums

Which from there I click on the first link and installed the latest build

Index of /suse

dd: I still didn’t see anything in terms of how to start plex via command line.

On 03/19/2013 05:06 PM, DMGrier wrote:
> (

sorry but i can’t help you…why not ask in the Plex forums…or ask
Mark Walker or the guy who posted that link?

and/or after installation, at a command line try

plex --help
which plex

the point you have to consider is that there are probably 10,000
applications which might run in openSUSE–and the folks here may not
know well more than a couple of thousand…the chances of another
Plex user floating though this forum is NOT as likely as someone in
the Plex forums who knows about openSUSE…and/or Linux in general…


Here’s the real one, at least it was like that on 12.2:

su -c '/etc/init.d/plexmediaserver start'