starting NetworkManager during startup

when I look at Yast | System | Startup Applications - Network Manager is listed to start at boot time. It does not, for some reason. There is no icon at the bottom - right.

Using openSUSE 11.3 - 1.82

Once booted, typing in:

sudo /usr/sbin/NetworkManager
and entering the root pw and then the keyring pw enables the wireless modem to work on my laptop.

Is there a way to have this privileged command to automatically work at boot time? :\

I would ask you to go into YaST / Network Devices / Network Settings / Global Options Tab and set the bullet for “User Controlled With NetworkManager” if not selected as this is the normal way to use NetworkManager. Once set, you may have to run NetworkManager manually as a normal user the first time to see it in the icon tray, but after that it should load automatically.

Thank You,

jdmcdaniel3: Yes, Si, oui - that worked great! :slight_smile: Thanks.

jdmcdaniel3: Yes, Si, oui - that worked great! :slight_smile: Thanks.
Well danperecky happy to hear this got you up and running. Let us know if you need any other help.

Thank You,