Start the mail server

Hi all,

I just installed the opensuse 11.1(GNOME) on my laptop. Actually I want to send mails to
My yahoo email account or send text messages to my version cell phone ( I only need to
Send out emails)

I use the ATT DSL.

How can I configure my system to enable this?
I did a little research, saying I need to star the mail sever on my laptop.
How can I do this?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Just configure your mail program to use your ISP’s mail server. Your ISP should have provided you with a POP or IMAP server and a SMTP server to configure into your mail program.

i was trying to set up something similar but totally backwards. i’m looking to send and recieve from my yahoo and am at a loss for configuration. any suggestions?

Thanks for the reply.

Currently i am struggling with connection to the internet.
it is not working. In my laptop, i have one wireless adapter and one ehternet.
WHen i use /sbin/route -n to see—
it only pick up the wireless one. it is not working.
i wnat the system to pick up the eth0.

Sorry about som any questions here.


Start another thread for that problem and get it fixed first.