start on launch

i want to start apache and ktorrent on the systems start up, is there a program that will do it for me or do i need init scripts?

Welcome here !!!

Apache can and should be started as a system service: start Yast - System - Runlevel, activate apache. But …
It’s easier to install the ‘yast2-http-server’ package, and the LAMP webserver pattern. On a restart of Yast, you will have Yast - Network Services - HTTP server to configure apache.

kTorrent is a user program. To autostart it on login, either create an autostart entry through Systemsettings - Advanced - Autostart, or (in KDE4, with session restore enabled, i.e. default) start kTorrent, logout, login and it will be restarted as a part of the session restore.
I suggest you don’ t make kTorrent run as a service.

Thanks alot!