Speedport W503V setup with suse 11.0

I am trying to set up a speedport w503 router for t-online, just for internet access (no network for more pc’s, no wlan).
This device is supposed to be a router, not a modem. It is also supposed to support dhcp and already have user id, password etc. set up.
The computer with suse 11.0 used to have Alice dsl via modem, I deleted the dsl connection and the ethernetcard setup.
configured ethernetcard via yast automatically to dhcp, but there is no connection to the net.
Any idea for a nice and easy setup?
Thanks for your help!

Since it’s a stand-alone router, as long as dhcp is workingyour suse box should get a valid ipaddress. Some routers don’t pass on gateway nad name server addresses, so go to yast>network devices>network settings and set the gateway and nameserver addresses to the router ipaddress.