Sound level

I have one question:
I use Leap 42.1 KDE on my laptop with double boot (Windows 7).
My openSUSE work great, but the sound is not same like in windows… in Windows my sound is louder…
This is very stragne… I have Doubly digital control panel in MS Windows and when I activate it sound is nice, but on openSUSE sound is not like a Windows…
I try to boost sound in “alsamixer” but everthing is on the MAX…
There havea doubly digital control panel on openSUSE ?
Any Ideas ?
Thank you!

My advice is to install the pavucontrol utility (package of the same name)

zypper in pavucontrol

Then start the graphical PA mixer and check that the relevant volume controls are up sufficiently.

What is a “Doubly digital control”? Do you mean “Dolby”? Some laptops have special audio HW and/or specialized SW sound processors to enhance sound “psychoacoustic” features; generally these are not available for Linux, but if you post the exact make and model of your system maybe something at least can be done…

I have installed pavucontrol and there everithing is on MAX…

Bruno sorry for my English yes I have dolby not “Doubly”
How can I check my model ?
Yast-sound give me this information ->

I meant PC model and maker; for instance several ASUS models have additional audio features…

My laptop is ACER Aspire 5750G-2334G75Mnkk

Only ram I have been installed 4GB more nothing else.

Apparently your laptop has the average Intel HD audio configuration and typical laptop loudspeakers, no special HW features as far as I can read over the net.
It comes equipped with a Dolby Advanced Audio sw utility apparently designed to squeeze the best out of average HW.
Basically, as I understand it, it boosts low and medium signals, compresses louder sounds and possibly shapes the frequency response to fool the human ear and brain into perceiving a louder sound.
As far as I know there is no such utility for Linux. Maybe an audio expert might build something similar out of the pulseaudio-equalizer and ladspa packages or some related plugin, but that might involve extensive tuning to have results comparable to the original Dolby utility for Windows. Please let us know if you dare building such a setup!

Maybe an audio expert might build something similar out of the pulseaudio-equalizer and ladspa packages or some related plugin, but that might involve extensive tuning to have results comparable to the original Dolby utility for Windows. Please let us know if you dare building such a setup!

I haven’t investigated PulseAudio Equalizer to date, but I think it is worth a shot as it may well enhance the audio to their liking.

I have install now pulseaudio-equalizer and configure it, but have no many diferences a liitle bit…
I dont Know maybe this feature is only on my Windows, when i deactivate dolby software on Widows is like a openSUSE sound, but when I activate it is more louder…
I post image of dolby softwaree
This pic is from Google my is little diferent is not V2…
Sound is not big problem for me, but when I watch movie is very annoyingly because is quietly
Thank you !

That’s about all I can offer.

I dont Know maybe this feature is only on my Windows, when i deactivate dolby software on Widows is like a openSUSE sound, but when I activate it is more louder…

Yes, it’s Windows software with no Linux equivalent.

A little bit mentioned here as well…

Thank you for support !
Maybe will waiting for dolby anonce the drivers for linux…

Good luck with that. Dolby has been around for a long time and I expect that patents are still around so it is a proprietary technology and has to be licensed. So someone would have to pay the Dolby people to allow development of a Linux version.

Better sound get better speaker systems. Most Computer speakers are cheap and have little control

I agree with what gogalthorp has said - if good sound is important to you, buy a decent external sound system that can further process and deliver sound to your liking. (For example, I know that Bose offer systems specifically targeted for laptops.)

No sound is not very importand for me, I just want to use full capaciti of my laptop speakers, but aniway…
My fix is to use VLC and boost sound over of 100% and will be louder lol!
Now I send an Email of SoundPimp to give me a tiral version of his software maybe will be works ?
Anyone use SoundPimp ?
Thank you very much…