Sound is dead system-wide


I did an update with zypper and it broke sound system-wide. It might have something to do with pulseaudio, due that pulseaudio was updated too. What other infos do I need to post? How do I fix it?


find and read the thread named “Kernel Update 9 June 09 - Feedback” in
chit-chat…which is where i just read:

“enabled pulseAudio in Yast and got my sound back.
Would not work with pulse before”

may work for you, may not…you decide if you wanna try it or not,
because ymmv!!


Hmm…I enabled PulseAudio and it seems that sound came back online…Why did it got disabled in the first place?

A number of users have encountered this when they updated their kernel version to Its possible that is what happened to you.

I experienced the same problem a few days ago. To get it back on track I removed the soundcard in yast, and reinstalled it. Now everything works fine, exept kmix always starts muted.

For those with non-functioning sound as a result of the new kernel, the SuSE-GmbH packager has now released the rpms for the update to 1.0.20 of alsa for the kernel. Note this is on a special multimedia repository and not on the standard “update” repository.

There is guidance here for doing the update:
Alsa-update - openSUSE

Note one MUST send six zypper commands, being certain to pick the one’s specific to one’s openSUSE version. I recommend one optimize the alsa apps to be installed to match what one has on one’s PC already. … and also the second last command in the 3 command group should be specific to one’s kernel. Do NOT install multiple alsa-driver-kmp-<packages> … Only install the ONE that is applicable.