someting about shutdown for long time(about 90s)

Few days ago,i am weird found that shutdown wound take nearly 90s,i google for a long time(such as different poweroff command,different kernel ,etc ),and have reinstalled xfce kde gnome desktop in SSD and HDD to found out the resaon,at last,i limited the size of systemd log,everything goes well,

i modified /etc/systemd/journald.conf line 22 into SystemMaxUse=50m
If i donot midify this,when systemd’s log(/var/log/journal) is about 60mb(i just found that log size is 66mb,then poweroff took 90s)i reboot my labtop and delete /var/log/journal ,everything goes well.

i am not sure whether is bug or others,my problem appear in Tumbleweed 20160612 and 20160613.:wink: