something is wrong when start

my computer:
1.ASUS p5q
2.seagate 320G harddisk e8400

I installed openSuSE 11.2 x86_64 ,but it can’t work.

the information when start opensuse:
Initializing virtual console…
found a linux console terminal on /dev/tty1(156 ccolumes*60 lines) …done
starting D-bus daemon …done
starting acpid…done
Loading CPUFreq daemon…done
staring HAL daemon …done
(it takes a long time in starting HAL daemon ,about 4minutes)
then the errors:
/usr/lib/YaST2/startup/common/ 73:/usr/lib/YaST2/startup/Second-Stage/S07-medium:input/output error
/etc/init.d/boot:line 346:/sbin/SuSeconfig:input/output error
rm:cannot remove ‘/var/lib/YaST2/run_suseconfig’:Read-only file system

I tried to config SATA to AH,but it is also like this.

Have you actually completed the install?

If you have re-booted and get the grub boot screen, you could clear the boot arguments in the default boot and just type the number: 3
(hit enter)

At the CLI login as user, but then go su and type:
zypper ref


zypper up

when done. reboot

thanks .

I have tried your method,but it was still blocked there.

I can get grub boot screen and boot my windows.
there is some other info looks special when start opensuse:
Loading AppArmor module …failed
Failed features…boot.apprmor
skipped features…boot.cycle

others before initalizing is all done.
it was still :
staring HAL daemon …done
(it takes a long time in starting HAL daemon ,about 4minutes)
then the errors:
/usr/lib/YaST2/startup/common/ 73:/usr/lib/YaST2/startup/Second-Stage/S07-medium:input/output error
/etc/init.d/boot:line 346:/sbin/SuSeconfig:input/output error
rm:cannot remove ‘/var/lib/YaST2/run_suseconfig’:Read-only file system

If you can’t operate from level 3, and you are sure that you were doing that correctly. I would suggest. Booting your install media and run the install again.

As a last resort, before re-installing, you can try repair using the DVD.

thanks .
I tried to repair the installed system by the DVD.
But the result make me sad ,too.nothing happened…

Even though you installed successfully before, I would be interested to know if you ran the media check on the dvd?

Can anybody help me ?

> I installed openSuSE 11.2 x86_64 ,but it can’t work
11.2 is ALPHA and thus most likely not to work on a variety of machines.

Please download and install 11.1, which is the latest stable and supported release.

You know something Heidi - One just can’t be too careful.
How on earth did it not register with me. 11.2! For goodness sake I need to pull my socks up.

Seriously @yuhuafx
What on earth are you doing installing 11.2?
11.1 is the stable release

huh,thanks for everyone.
I will try 11.1.
But I think that it’s a problem caused by a chipset on ASUS p5q motherboard.It’s used to change IDE to SATA.
I will try changing my IDE DVD to SATA DVD.

If it works ,I will POST REPLY here.

thanks ,again.

I get the same problem on suse 11.1(DVD & Network) x86_64 >:( (MD5 & mediacheck are successful )

suse 10.3 is running fine!