Hey guys, I’m kind of new to linux, I played around with Kubuntu for like a month and learn the basic syntax. My java prof. uses suse so I’m curious to see what’s inside, I haven’t settle for a distro yet and I like more the zypper than get-apt … nut anyway… I’m trying to use my VPN (IPVanish) and I was able to install it in Kubuntu but here I heard that the openvpn is pre-installed or something else replaces it, I don’t know… Can someone help me install it please? And something else, how can I add the right click shortcut to an image to set it to the background?
I have 3 final exams for school next week, I’m trying to only get the vpn going now and I’ll do the rest after Thursday, I guess I’ll have to wait. That looks good btw. Thanks
I had a quick look at the guide for Ubuntu, guessing you are just want to use a VPN service.
And I got some ideas from it but I am not 100% sure it will work or not. It is worth trying, I think.
From the guidance we can see that if you use Network Manager it will make it easy. So the first step is to switch wicked to NetworkManager. Could you change it through YaST -> Network Settings?
P.S. It is very weird that the default manager on your Leap 42.2 is wicked, isn’t it?
Thanks for the help, I’m very short on time right now, I’ll leave all these for Thursday, I have to study. As soon as I try it I’ll let you know if that way worked Thanks again
Should be easy on openSUSE,
The following is untested but from your IPvanish link the following should work on openSUSE
Unlike Ubuntu, Network Manager is already installed but disabled. To enable…
Open YAST > Network Settings > Global Options tab > In “Network Setup Method” select “Network Manager”
Click “OK” to lock in your change
Install openvpn by running the following in an elevated (root) console, the following assumes you’re running KDE Plasma. If you’re running Gnome, there is a different Network Manager plugin package
zypper in openvpn NetworkManager-openvpn plasma-nm5-openvpn
Download your IPVanish opvn configuration file. Alter according to instructions in Step 5 of your Ubuntu openvpn Linux instructions if you want to point to a different Server than IPVanish’s NYC gateway. The following is a combo command that changes to your “Documents” folder, then downloads the opvn encryption certificate and then the openvpn client configuration file.
cd ~/Documents && wget http://www.ipvanish.com/software/configs/ca.ipvanish.com.crt && wget http://www.ipvanish.com/software/configs/ipvanish-US-New-York-nyc-a01.ovpn
Now you can go to the IPVanish Ubuntu Linux install instructions and proceed from step 10… Although your Network Manager icon likely will be in the bottom right of your screen (assuming default location of most Desktop panels is at the bottom edge).
Hi guys,
I tried following tsu2 's guide but must have failed somewhere along the way, any help will be appreciated.
On opening YaST2 - Network Settings I get the following message: “Network is currently handled by NetworkManager or completely disabled. YaST is unable to configure some options.” Then when I go to Global Options/Network Setup Method I used “NetworkManager Service”. It was already set to that anyway so I just clicked OK and left. (IPv6 is enabled in case this is relevant)
I installed open vpn in root:
(i have substituted USER for my actual user name)
USER@linux:~> su
linux:/home/USER # zypper in openvpn NetworkManager -openvpn plasma-nm5-openvpn
Retrieving repository 'Update Repository (Non-Oss)' metadata ....................[done]
Building repository 'Update Repository (Non-Oss)' cache .........................[done]
Retrieving repository 'Main Update Repository' metadata .........................[done]
Building repository 'Main Update Repository' cache ..............................[done]
Retrieving repository 'Packman Repository' metadata .............................[done]
Building repository 'Packman Repository' cache ..................................[done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'NetworkManager' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'NetworkManager-1.0.12-3.2.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
'plasma-nm5-openvpn' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'plasma-nm5-openvpn-5.8.2-1.1.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
Then I downloaded IPVanish (with London) as a server:
Then when I followed the Linux instructions on IPVanish, I actually couldn’t do exactly as it says but only because i think it is slightly different for KDE Leap.
So anyway I opened the network then clicked configure (Connection Editor). Then I clicked Connection / Import VPN and I clicked on the file loosely named ipvanish Lon.ovpn
Doing this gave me the following error: " Error copying certificate to /home/USER/.local/share/networkmanagement/certificates/ipvanish-UK-London-lon-a01_ca.ipvanish.com.crt: Cannot open /home/USER/ca.ipvanish.com.crt for input "
I followed anyway and the new connection was added. I right-clicked and edited and put my IPVanish username and password (that work for my Windows laptop) but then when I click connect I simply get an error message saying failure to connect! (FYI my CA certificate is what they tell me to put “ca.ipvanish.com.crt”)
Anyway, does anyone have any idea where I went wrong? Did the console installations fail? I think they were successful? Is the problem that the certificate didnt copy? How can I fix that? Thank you for your help in advance,
You can install packages using root (su) but after that when you configure your vpn, you should use “sudo” so that you have sufficient permissions to write the certificate to your &USER $HOME directory. If you instead continued with your “su” permissions, you would have tried to write to the root User home directory.
Using wget is not critically necessary, but puts you on the right path to placing the downloaded file where it’s naturally accessible for everything that comes thereafter.
<That> command doesn’t have to be done using sudo, it’s highly recommended.
But, everything after that should be done with sudo, and not “su”
I re-did that step step in sudo, and after that there is no more konsole code to be done, only to go to the networkManager and import the VPN, so I am not sure what you mean. Maybe I am missing something. Tried the process again after the rewriting the code in sudo and it still failed to do the certificate. Any idea what to do next?
only gives me one file, the .ovpn file, and it gets saved under the home folder. I do not see any other file unfortunately, maybe that’s the key.
Now that i have read your original post for the third time i see that your combo script actually also gets the certificate so i will try doing that (except changing NYC to London) and see if it works
Please close the thread, I don’t wish to continue receiving notifications on this post, I have switched to kubuntu and I’m happy with it. Thank you for all the replies and happy new year
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