Some tools are missing (or I'm yet lost in new universe)

Greetings !!

I decided to jump on the new version called LEAP 15 and installed the version on my two laptops without any problem, I’m testing now the different services.
For now it seems Samba looks to work, got some troubles with the DNS in my local network but all seem to be nice and works properly as I did each time an upgrade from 42.2 to leap 15 for aldebaran and 42.3 to leap 15 for rasalgethi (laptops).

Something that is really frustrating is that when you are using Dolphin to browse the samba shares it displays nothing at first sight… sometimes you got a message telling that you may have a trouble with the firewall settings but it works
when you change SMB:// to the name of the samba server you want to join, for instance, rasalgethi, SMB://rasalgethi works, the shares are displayed and you can access the folders as usual…

Why the dolphin behaviour has changed in this manner ? Why dolphin doesn’t display the whole servers in the workgroup/domain as it does in 13.2 ? (this machine called sirius is about to JUMP to leap 15, it is a good idea, we will see :} )

Concerning the firewalld service this is nice to have such a frontend, I love to do scripts to launch as a service to configure it but that is nice and very promising, I learnt that some ip6tables PREROUTING and POSTROUTING no longer work,
I just have to find the documentation of the new iptables and ip6tables (I only use IPv4 on my network and I use ip6tables to flush all the chains). That is not the absolute death :}

But to do my tests I usually use ifconfig, netstat, route and so on… unfortunately it seems those commands have disappeared :{ ← very sad

Is there a package I didn’t know that let me recover those usefull console commands (I’m more efficient in command line than using frontends but maybe with firewalld/iptables) ?
I seek using zypper/Software Manager to find a pattern provided by rpm package but I never saw in the file list a program like ifconfig (ipconfig) nore route nore netstat…

Could someone enlight my mind about those tools to be back again on my toolbox ? ^^

At least: big shout out for all those involved on this new version, I think a step has been done far forward, at first tests.

The Dolphin behavior has to do with name resolution. See deano_ferrari’s guidance and solution at It fixed the same issue for me.

Please check:

zypper info net-tools-deprecated

One of the first things that I did, was add those back (“net-tools-deprecated”).

I don’t mind the new tools, and I’ll slowly adapt to them. But I do prefer the more compact format of the output from “ifconfig -a” to that of “ip a”.

… and, yes, once again, I do the!

Orsobruno: Good answer, there. Similar to what I was about to say until I saw your response. Except, I would have just said:

zypper in net-tools-deprecated


You can still install these deprecated commands if needed…

# cnf ifconfig
The program 'ifconfig' can be found in the following packages:
  * net-tools-deprecated  path: /bin/ifconfig, repository: zypp (openSUSE-Leap-15-oss) ]
  * net-tools-deprecated  path: /usr/bin/ifconfig, repository: zypp (openSUSE-Leap-15-oss) ]

Try installing with:
    zypper install net-tools-deprecated

Many of us are now using the replacement tools though (ip, ss etc)

Something that is really frustrating is that when you are using Dolphin to browse the samba shares it displays nothing at first sight… sometimes you got a message telling that you may have a trouble with the firewall settings but it works
when you change SMB:// to the name of the samba server you want to join, for instance, rasalgethi, SMB://rasalgethi works, the shares are displayed and you can access the folders as usual…

Why the dolphin behaviour has changed in this manner ? Why dolphin doesn’t display the whole servers in the workgroup/domain as it does in 13.2 ? (this machine called sirius is about to JUMP to leap 15, it is a good idea, we will see :} )

See my comments about that here…

BTW, this still works for discovery…


Thank you guys ^^

As this is a new “build” I got to check if I’m lost or not.
Thank you for the links to the knowledge.

I experienced more troubles with a production server but it seems all is ok… some troubles with the firewall and samba (I got to read the links, documentation and so on).

I will wait to have the “hook” on the production server before jumping from 13.2 to leap 15 with my developpment computer… I’m a little scared to do it in a raw.
Aside, all three upgrades I did lead to a success (with some manipulations concerning the antares server which needed more attention ^^) with no data loss nore critical failure (only plasma that didn’t launch at first reboot).

Concerning the antares server: ssh is ok, named is ok, nfs is of, all computers could mount samba shares at fstab level, …
My iptable scripts won’t work anymore but I have to read the documentation about the new chains and so on…

I got a warning message concerning Spectre V2 mitigation, but that’s all.
I read the different links and I go back ^^