Some issues after update to Open suse 12.3

Hello Members

I have upgraded to opensuse 12.3 and thoroughly enjoying the great experiance. Just want to report the minor issues i am experiancing and to know whether there is any resolution to the same or it is a bug indeed.

  1. Boot Splash still shows the operating system version as opensuse 12.2 - Clarified that it is a bug and i have ignored it for the time being

  2. System shut down time has actually increased more than twice after the upgrade. on 12.2 my system used to poweroff in about 30 sec. now it takes more than 2 min. Tried to see where the system gets stuck by seeing the text mode - found that the system freezes for more than 30 sec., at the line [ok] stopped target remote file system. - Is there any resolution for the same?

  3. System Screen Lock after the scheduled time brings up the login screen. But the screen unlocks even without keying in the password by a small mouse movement or a key stoke.

Thank you in advance
K. Arun Kumar

As a quick guess - try removing acpid.

Just change the text in YaST->System->Boot Loader->Boot Loader Options. (the setting is called “Distributor”, it’s right at the top)

  1. System Screen Lock after the scheduled time brings up the login screen. But the screen unlocks even without keying in the password by a small mouse movement or a key stoke.

The Screen Locker works just how it is configured. Open KDE’s Configure Desktop (aka. systemsettings)->Hardware->Display and Monitor->Screenlocker. You will see that “Require Password” is not activated there. If you want to have to enter a password, activate that and set the time after which it should ask for the password.

There is a bug in Screenlocker: It shows the enter password screen even though it doesn’t want a password. That’s mainly a cosmetical issue, but can be misleading of course…

I confirm this. After upgrade restart\shutdown became painfully slow.

Thank you both worked out for me.

Thank you for your reply. I am a new user and can you just guide me on how to remove the said acpid without crashing the system OS?

Thanks in advance

In terminal as root:

rpm -e acpid

Thank you, shut down time has improved a bit now.