Some Additional package repositories do not have Leap 15.4 enabled

I thought of upgrading my laptop from 15.3 to 15.4 as per the instructions here: However on executing

zypper --releasever=15.4 dup

i found that my enabled repositories Wine, Network and Science do not have packages for Leap 15.4. This implied that many existing packages had to be be downgraded. So i had to stop my upgradation.

I hope that the above repositories will eventually have packages for 15.4 as well. If not then how am i supposed to upgrade to 15.4? I do need several packages from Science which does not have anything for 15.4.

They are easy to find…




It seems that you didn’t follow the procedure as described to exchange the additional repositorys first before upgrade.

I did not read those instructions, but when you are going to use --releasever, you first have to check if all repositories have $releasever in the proper place in their URIs (it could hoever be that some repos are version independent, but you have to check that). While fresh installations do this since some openSUSE releases have correct URIs, repos you added yourself are not changed by magic.

Also, in my personal instructions on “how to upgrade”, next thing is to disable all non-standard repos (including Packman. That gives me at least a clean upgrade to the new version, after which I can enable those non-standard repos and do for Packman the famous “vendor swiitch” anf for others I assume a zypper up will then use automatically the newer version repos (because 15.4 is now the default of releasever) and thus update if newer versions are on those repos.

So when in doubt and whenever you are talking about repos here, it is always best to SHOW them:

zypper --releasever FOOBAR lr -d

Great advice for upgrading from Leap 15.3 to 15.4: Update openSUSE 15.3 to 15.4 · GitHub Worked like a charm:
I am using repo Science for Tumbleweed:

**erlangen:~ #** zypper lr -E 
#  | Alias                | Enabled | GPG Check | Priority | URI 
 6 | Packman              | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   90     | 
18 | non-oss              | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   99     | 
20 | oss                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   99     | 
27 | update               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |   99     | 
 8 | chrome               | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |  100     | 
13 | home_kukuk_qmapshack | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |  100     | 
14 | jalbum               | Yes     | (  ) No   |  100     | 
17 | myrepo               | Yes     | (  ) No   |  100     | dir:/home/karl/Downloads/myrepo 
24 | science              | Yes     | (r ) Yes  |  100     | 
**erlangen:~ #**

It’s available for Leap 15.4 too at

For the additional repos such as science, graphics, education, electronics, etc the repos have changed their url naming format from “openSUSE_Leap_15.3” to simply “15.4”. The repos are all (as far as I know) in place but you need to manually change the repo urls. Simply entering “zypper --releasever=15.4 dup” will not now work for those repos due to this naming format change.

tom kosvic

Yes, i figured that out when i had a look at some of the *.repo files online. I also think that initially there were a few issues with the servers themselves which made upgrading difficult. However, I managed to upgrade to 15.4 about a month back.
