Snapshots - Restore Selected?

After a problem at boot this morning, I did a zypper dup to install the updates, and I lost my Wifi.
I tried to reinstall it (broadcom) but no luck.
I am about to try a Restore of a Snapshot from yesterday, hoping it will solve the issue.
But I am not sure: once I click on Restore Selected, do I manually reboot the computer?
And after reboot, will there be any additional steps?

If this fails, will I be able to reinstall the OS while keeping the /home partition?

If you are using broadcom-wl then you probably need an update for that driver – may take a few days. Try booting the previous kernel. And if that works, then keep using that until an updated driver is available.

A combination of the Restore and using a previous kernel did the trick (or just the rollback to a previous snapshot did indeed use the previous kernel, I am not sure)

Is there a known issue with the latest update and broadcom-wl ?

I’ve switched from Ubuntu LTS to Tumbleweed because I just could not stand snap any more. But being honest, I never faced any major issue while running the LTS.
Because I am using my PC for homeworking, I can’t afford to lose network with just an update. Is Tumbleweed right for me, or should I go for Leap?
I’m asking because how could I know that the next update will fix the wifi issue without updating? I am not confortable to update at this stage :slight_smile:

@hui : I did read that one before posting, but I does not really say anything about what to do after step 6 on 3.2.1.
So I used the snapper command, and I can see on Yast : writable copy of #132
This indicates to me that the rollback to that specific version was indeed successful (other than the fact that my Wifi is back)
I think the process lacks some form of visual feedback for a novice like me.

I don’t use broadcom-wl, so I don’t have direct knowledge.

The issue, however, is that the kernel and drivers are intimately connected. When there’s a new kernel, often the drivers must change too. Many drivers come with the kernel. But broadcom-wl is separate (due to licensing issues). So anytime there’s a new kernel, there’s a possibility that you will need to wait a few days for broadcom-wl to be updated.