smplayer won't play video/audio

Machine # 1
smplayer ver. 17.2.0 rev. 8426
smtube ver. 17.1.0

smplayer will not play either audio or video from a local source [file] or smtube

I get this error msg:
Mplayer/mpv has finished unexpectedly. Exit code: 2

There is a log file produced and it reads:

/usr/bin/mpv --no-config --no-quiet --terminal --no-msg-color --input-file=/dev/stdin --no-fs --vd-lavc-threads=8 --hwdec=no --sub-auto=fuzzy --ao=pulse, --no-input-default-bindings --input-vo-keyboard=no --no-input-cursor --cursor-autohide=no --no-keepaspect --wid=69206050 --monitorpixelaspect=1 --osd-scale=1 --sub-ass --embeddedfonts --sub-ass-line-spacing=0 --sub-scale=1 --sub-font=Arial --sub-color=#ffffffff --sub-shadow-color=#ff000000 --sub-border-color=#ff000000 --sub-border-size=0.75 --sub-shadow-offset=2.5 --sub-codepage=ISO-8859-1 --sub-pos=100 --volume=55 --cache=auto --osd-level=0 --screenshot-template=cap_%F_%p_%02n --screenshot-format=jpg --screenshot-directory=/home/dabud/Pictures/smplayer_screenshots --audio-channels=2 --af-add=drc=1 --audio-pitch-correction=yes --af-add=equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 --volume-max=110 --ytdl=no --term-playing-msg=MPV_VERSION=${=mpv-version:}INFO_VIDEO_WIDTH=${=width}
–term-status-msg=STATUS: ${=time-pos} / ${=duration:${=length:0}} P: ${=pause} B: ${=paused-for-cache} I: ${=core-idle} VB: ${=video-bitrate:0} AB: ${=audio-bitrate:0}[9452307]&mm=31&mn=sn-cxaaj5o5q5-tt1y&gcr=ca&source=youtube&ratebypass=yes&mv=m&ms=au&dur=245.040&initcwndbps=1830000&ip=,gcr,id,initcwndbps,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,source,upn,expire&signature=DF71A477EBBB5A425FFF3385D5D0C0A1F26EB733.CD476322B68E7ABE9DFA30C620FA1B5008519F6F

(+) Video --vid=1 () (h264)
(+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (
) (aac)
Failed to initialize a video decoder for codec ‘h264’.
Video: no video
Failed to initialize an audio decoder for codec ‘aac’.
Audio: no audio
No video or audio streams selected.
Exiting… (Errors when loading file)

It mentions failing to initilize 2 codecs [aac and h264] for audio and video.
Would these codecs not be with the multimedia codec pkg I downloaded and installed via one-click?
How do I interpret this log file to find out what is wrong?

This is a Multimedia question.

When you woiuld have gone to the Multimedia sub forum here and looked through some of the threads (particulary the stickies at the top) you would have noticed that to be able to use unrestricted multimedia on openSUSE, you need the Packman repo and then do a vendor switch to it.

With YaST.

To add the Packman repo:
YaST > Software > Repositories Management. Then the Add button below. Choose Community Repositories in the next screen and click Next. Select Packman from the list shown and clocl OK. The Packman repo will now be added to your list of subscribed repositories.

To do the Vendor switch:
YaST > Software Management, then from the View menu choose Repositories. Then in the list of repos, select Packman. At right, above the list of Packages there is a line saying something like: Switch system packages to … Click on the underlined part and continue low-right.

Now try if you can play what youi want and report back.

Should I repost this in the multimedia section?

I am using the pacman repos.
They are the only ones that have the latest versions of these apps.

make sure you have everything installed from the sticky in the multimedia forum . . .
but having said that, I no longer use smplayer from packman (because it forgot my toolbar preferences every time it was relaunched). Smplayer is also available from the KDE Extra repo so you might like to give that a spin.

edit: actually, it looks like smplayer is no longer available in packman and must be installed either from the update repo (ver 16.11) or KDE Extra (ver 17.2)

I will move this to Multimedia. It is CLOSED for the moment.

It is NOT enough that you say you are using Packman (for what? it is an unprecise remark).

You MUST do the switch. When you can not convince us for 100% that it is 1000% true that you did the switch, further talking about any Multimedia problem is useless for most here.

Moved from Applications and open again.

@hcvv - my apologies for posting in the wrong section.

You MUST do the switch. When you can not convince us for 100% that it is 1000% true that you did the switch, further talking about any Multimedia problem is useless for most here.

Thank you. I have done the “switch”, [followed directions in the sticky in the Multimedia section.]
In prior versions of opensuse, I only ever installed the restricted format codecs either thru zypper or using one-click, i had never done this switching, that I was aware of.
It turns out that smplayer and smtube are only available thru the KDE EXTRA repo now.
However, when I did the switch to packman as suggested smplayer started working properly. Was that because the problem lay with MPlayer not smplayer?

I am making a note of this in my install notes, so I don’t run into this again.

@farcusnz - thank you for your info. I was mistaken, they are only available KDE EXTRA repo now.

Yes, smplayer is only a nifty front-end to mplayer (or mpv) and can not play anything by itself, so it can “only” play whatever mplayer (or mpv) can play.

That’s wrong, there is also multimedia:apps (maybe a better choice if one does not run KDE at all).


The “switch” was always the recommended procedure, to get full multimedia support in all packages and prevent incompatible mixtures.
It was not strictly necessary in 13.2 and lower though, as ffmpeg/libav* was not included in the distribution at all yet so they were always taken from Packman.

Nowadays, the standard distribution contains “crippled” (i.e. with support for non-free codecs removed) versions of them, which has the advantage that other packages can be built with full multimedia support in the distribution directly and there is no need to replace them too.

It turns out that smplayer and smtube are only available thru the KDE EXTRA repo now.

Not quite, both are included in the distribution, in the standard OSS repo.
You only need extra repos to have the latest version.

smplayer is available from KDE:Extra, yes.

smtube OTOH is not available from KDE:Extra (it has nothing to do with KDE), a newer one is only available from Packman.

However, when I did the switch to packman as suggested smplayer started working properly. Was that because the problem lay with MPlayer not smplayer?

Well, yes, but not exactly.

smplayer is just a GUI frontend, not a media player itself.
It uses mpv by default, but also can use MPlayer I think.

The actual problem was not in mpv/MPlayer themselves either though. These players only use the system’s libav* (and other libraries), and those libraries need to come from Packman if you want/need support for non-free codecs (like H264 and AAC).

MPlayer is only available from Packman anyway (mpv is included in openSUSE itself, but it is not crippled as there is no need).