SlowRool is growing

I confess that SlowRoll is absolutely the distribution I would like. As soon as it came out I installed it in VM and I’ve had it on my old laptop for about 10 days. Then today, after a few days of problems, it didn’t start again. I tried to install it in vm… and surprise all the repositories changed with new iso images etc. For those like me who would like to use Linux for work, the Slowroll OS is much better suited than the frenetic rolling of TW. It should be more stable. At least that’s how I think a solid company like Opensuse interprets it. Since today is a transition day I struggled quite a bit to install the repos. But in the next few days everything will be easier.

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This is not very relevant but I absolutely hate the name SlowRool. It sounds really lame and normies will think the OS is slow. Over the years I have observed that FOSS community is really bad at branding.

The name doesn’t matter; the concept is important. A slower rolling is definitely easier to manage. And I’m not so young anymore.:):slight_smile: I suggest you check the repositories. I ruined my system with bad choices. But the new installation with the right repos is fabulous…
At least for now…

Well, aside from the fact that it is “SlowRoll” (rather a typo?) you may have a look here:


This not beinh a request for technical help, is moved to OpenChat.

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Slowroll working fine booting from an external USB SSD, using it right now.

Installed it the other day using the Tumbleweed ISO from the Slowroll page and there has been one major upgrade to it already.

Tumbleweeds roll. Slowroll is an excellent name for it. It’s a rolling-release but rolls slower than Tumbleweed.

It’s an OK name as long as you’re selling to the converted. I know there’s a large subset of folk don’t regard names as particularly important, but as they are a subset, this implies a reduced number of potential contributors (which is already undesirably small for Leap). Sometimes it’s not about pleasing one’s self, but selling one’s self.

I have no real idea over numbers, perhaps the OpenSUSE community is already as big as SUSE needs it to be and there is no desire to make new converts. Many of the already “converted” may jump from Tumbleweed to Slowroll, hopefully boosting the Slowroll contributors, but hopefully not to the detriment of Tumbleweed.

I don’t know why, when I think of Slowroll, I think Eggroll, and I don’t even like eggrolls :slight_smile:

Since Slowroll is just a periodic snapshot of Tumbleweed with security patches to compensate for the infrequent updates, I don’t see how one can contribute to Slowroll except though contributing to Tumbleweed.

I picture an Eggroll as a wobbly release, hopefully Slowroll isn’t. :wink:

I see what you mean.

The way I was imagining it is, due to Tumbleweed users defecting to Slowroll, there may be less eyes on Tumbleweed. Less immediate feedback on changes. It could become a bit of a vicious circle, less eyes, more undiscovered issues, more departing for Slowroll.

But if Slowroll brings heaps more eye’s onboard then it’s probably win-win for all - some will likely move up to Tumbleweed. Which brings me back to a catchy/marketable name - but that ship has sailed, so it is what it is. Perhaps it’s good that it will mainly win users on its technical merits, not its bling.

I have both installed and hope Slowroll also becomes a success.

I don’t know about the numbers either, but as SUSE Linux Personal 8.2 was the very first Linux distro I was introduced to and used 20 years ago, I’m glad to be back. :slight_smile:

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