Slowdown after inactivity

Hello, im here to ask why my system slows down after a long inactivity time. When i come back to the computer, its takes around 5 minutes for it to react fast again.

Im always running BOINC, using 100% on all 4 cores.
It makes no difference if i deactivate energy savings, shut down BOINC, etc. Tried everything that came into my mind.

Its the same behaviour under KDE or XFCE (4.3.3 and 4.6)

Im using 11.1 x86_64


You tried leaving a terminal window open running ‘top’, then having a look what’s eating up your resources when you get back?

Thanks for your reply.

I uninstalled Beagle long ago.

And no, i honestly didnt think about doing Top. Will do and ill get back here.

Nothing out of order after leaving the computer unused for 5 hours and then checking Top