SLES15 SP3 to SP5 Upgrade Failed

Hello Team,

I am trying to upgrade my AWS EC2 SAP server from SLES15 SP1 to SLES15 SP5.
I am able to upgrade the server to SP3 successfully.
But when I run zypper migration now to upgrade to SP5, I get following error message.

Skipping repository ‘SLE-Product-SLES_SAP15-SP3-Pool’ because of the above error.
Error retrieving metadata for ‘SLE-Product-SLES_SAP15-SP3-Updates’:
Receive: script died unexpectedly

** [0-Success]*

Skipping repository ‘SLE-Product-SLES_SAP15-SP3-Updates’ because of the above error.
Error retrieving metadata for ‘SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP3-Pool’:
Receive: script died unexpectedly

** [0-Success]*
** .*
** .*
** .*
** Skipping repository ‘SLE-Module-Web-Scripting15-SP3-Updates’ because of the above error.*
Could not refresh the repositories because of errors.
repository refresh failed, exiting

zypper patch shows “nothing to do” as all are already applied.
SUSEConnect --status-text shows all as registered.

SUSEConnect --status-text
Installed Products:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3*

  • (SLES_SAP/15.3/x86_64)*

  • Registered*


  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP3*

  • (sle-ha/15.3/x86_64)*

  • Registered*

Please suggest how to fix this issue.


Basically by going to ask at the relevant place :wink:
Sorry, but here you are at the openSUSE forums, not at the SLES/SLED forums.

Maybe somewhere here: Welcome to the SUSE & Rancher Community | SUSE

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