
Why from all repositories deleted Skype!?

Packages are still available from various 3rd-party repos. Search via Search Results

Make sure you’ve enabled ‘Include users’ home projects’ under ‘Search Options’

Thank you CEP! (Captain Obviousness in Russian)
Now try to click on at least one of these links, which have not yet had time to retire from the cache.

Then follow the instructions here

SDB:Skype - openSUSE

Installing skype

Go to [Download the latest version of Skype for Linux]( and download the openSUSE RPM from the openSUSE 11+ section. 
If everything goes well, your web browser will start YaST to install this package.

On 2012-02-19 04:26, ILYA INDIGO wrote:
> Why from all repositories deleted Skype!?

I am not aware of that, but Skype is proprietary and can not be distributed
from our repos. Perhaps from outside repos that are not subject to the same

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

But will Skype also work with Opensuse 12.1
I tried the download from the website of Skype, but Skype will not start.

On Sun, 19 Feb 2012 15:36:03 +0000, Benmh wrote:

> But will Skype also work with Opensuse 12.1 I tried the download from
> the website of Skype, but Skype will not start.

Yes, it will, but you have to install the required dependencies.

If you run it from a terminal, you’ll get an error message that tells you
what you need to install.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

I just (re)installed 64-bit OpenSuse 12.1.

To get Skype, I went to Skype download page and clicked on download button for OpenSuse 11. Instead of saving it to disk, I chose to use application Apper as download target. Apper installed it without fuss. Starting Skype didn’t work, though. So I opened terminal, typed Skype and hit return. It told me that is missing. Went to yast and installed libQtGui (32-bit). After that Skype worked nicely.

Skype seems to be 32-bit app.

I had installed 32-bit compatibility layer during system install.

Sorry to rehash old thread.
This late reply is mostly for myself, when I reinstall OpenSuse again after some mishap or another;)