Skype on 13.1 Gnome

I’m using a webcam mic for sound input, and find that in addition to the environment variable thing


noted elsewhere, I find that I need to go into Gnome settings for Sound, allow the PA system to find the webcam as the only input device available (this can take quite a few seconds) and then when I launch Skype the audio and call progress is fine. If the sound settings are not open then there is either no sound in or out, sound out but not in, or the sound and call progress are very badly coordinated. I can’t test my normal route using bluetooth headset since bt is broken.

[size=5]I have a similar problem with my skype on opensuse 13.1 64 bit. When I start the terminal with [/size]PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 skype Skype starts normally and the sound works alright. When I just click on skype I never get any sound, despite editing my skype in main menu in Gnome 3.10 according to the instructions set for KDE by this article. all mine!: Skype on openSUSE 13.1When I installed from the DVD I did not have any problems. But when I installed from the live cd for Gnome apparently there is less support for sounds than from the DVD which might have some KDE thrown into it.

I am getting “Segmentation fault” erro while starting skype on 13.1 32 bit gnome.

am using skype-, Please help.

Thanks in advance.


On 2013-12-27 07:56, noufalas wrote:
> I am getting “Segmentation fault” erro while starting skype on 13.1 32
> bit gnome.
> am using skype-, Please help.

Did you apply all the recommendations here?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Elessar))