skins on xmms

hello everyone:
i’m knew on forum and also on linux.
i’,ve recently installed suse 11.2 on my vaio vgn-nr31e.
one of the(several…)things that i’m not been able to do,is to install knew skins on xmms player,that i’ve allready installed.
can’t copy compressed downloaded skins to usr/share/xmms/skins…and by the konsole i’m getting error when trying to ./configure,after downloading and decompressing.
can anyone help?

thank you everybody


you should place/copy your xmms skins in this folder instead:


take into account that this is a hidden folder but easily viewed after selecting the appropriate settings in nautilus or your file browser.

hope this helps.


on the target,man!
did the copy into /home/my_name/.xmms/skins as you told.
working 100%.
thanks a lot!
by the way,and if you wish to,where do i put the vu meter plugin?
thanks again.


what’s a vu meter plugin? what does it do?
don’t have it in my xmms.

anyway… my guess is the same.
Copy the plug-ins in this folder:

/home /your name /.xmms /plugins

let me know if this helps.



a vu meter it’s an analog audio equipment to display a signal level in Volume Units,retro iluminated and with a needle dowing the can google it,there a lot of info.
the vu meter plugin allows us,at least thats wath the autor say,to complete your xmms skin with the vu meters.the skin that i’m trying to achive is called “analog vu meter+expensive hi-fi”.google it!
but can we post fix the vu meters?
i tried to double the size of xmms,after your help and with everything ok and xmms,i’m not been able to open xmms.
can you help?
