Skating Penguins: A December 1 Install Goodie?

Note should only be done on a MBR formatted drive. If you have UEFI forget it it will beak your system since grub1 does not support that boot method !!!

alanbortu wrote:
> wolfi323;2604862 Wrote:
>> Switch to Grub1 in YaST->System->Boot Loader, and you will have them
>> back… :wink:
> Neat. Thanks!
> Gps2010 Wrote:
>> I will sigh it :slight_smile:
> rotfl!
Correct me if i am wrong but you guys are barking up the wrong tree
The penguins are in “gfxboot-branding-openSUSE”
You guys should create a petition here and post it back here in the forums:-

GNOME 3.10.1
openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.11.6-4-desktop

I only did it as a joke but if you really want me to make one I certainly will. :slight_smile:

Sorry for double posting, it wont let me edit. I went ahead and made one but have never done this before so if you guys have criticism about what I wrote please let me know, I dont even know much about how it works so I had to be a bit vague in the description.

Are you looking for the return of the marching penguins? :wink:

Heartbreaking. :cry:

On 2013-12-04 08:56, alanbortu wrote:
> elfring;2605098 Wrote:
>> Are you looking for ‘the return of the marching penguins’
>> ( :wink:
> Heartbreaking. :’(

I love those penguins, specially when somebody else is looking.

But some people strongly dislike them, specially when somebody else is
looking in a business environment. They are afraid, I suppose, that they
think they are not serious people and waste time playing games on the
business computer. It takes them by surprise and they have to explain
something they know nothing about, I guess.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

I voted for it. I love those penguins.

I like them too, its fun to show off to people watching :wink:

Yeah I read through that whole exchange, some people really seem to dislike the penguins and I suppose their reasoning is at least somewhat justified. However I dont know why a machine would be booting so much at a workplace, even if it was a workstation. Plus its pretty simple to get rid of it isnt it? I guess it depends on the type of boss you have too.

On 2013-12-04 18:26, alanbortu wrote:
> robin_listas;2605141 Wrote:

> I like them too, its fun to show off to people watching :wink:


> Yeah I read through that whole exchange, some people really seem to
> dislike the penguins and I suppose their reasoning is at least somewhat
> justified. However I dont know why a machine would be booting so much at
> a workplace, even if it was a workstation. Plus its pretty simple to get
> rid of it isnt it? I guess it depends on the type of boss you have too.

I did not read it this time. I guess the people that were more pissed
were those that were taken by surprise when the boss or a client was

But then, programmers have their own sense of humour, so I expect to see
that when looking carefully enough.

Hey, I read once that the windows source code (3.10) had a label and a
goto. At that time it was an absolute no-no, it was kind of
dishonourable to use them. So the programmer named the label some thing
like “ICantBelieveIHadToUseAGoto”.

And more spectacular jokes.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

Is goto no longer taboo? I thought it still was? And I love finding funny things like that in code, makes it somewhat easier to continue reading. It almost makes up for all the missing comments… almost.

Oh and how do I add stuff to my signature? (I was gonna add a link to the penguins to it :D)

On 2013-12-05 05:26, alanbortu wrote:
> Is goto no longer taboo? I thought it still was? And I love finding
> funny things like that in code, makes it somewhat easier to continue
> reading. It almost makes up for all the missing comments… almost.

I don’t really know. I have seen some later on.

Yes, some times the comments tells a different story than the official
documentation, specially in proprietary software. The programmer knows
that only fellows will read that, not the boss. Sometimes they are quite

Another thing that happens with proprietary software is a hidden “vanity
list” of the programmers. For instance, in Borland C, if you type, I
think it was Alt-I, in the about box, you get a cinema credit type list
of all the programmers. At least it was there in the version sold around

The “owners” did not want that the name of their programmers were known,
perhaps to avoid head hunting. But the programmers think different,
obviously - so they put it in hidden.

Serious software like Excel has, or had, hidden games. You enter e
certain code in a cell, and you get a game. OpenOffice had it too.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

That sounds really neat. How did you go about finding that out? I would like to think if I ever write software, I will load it with easter eggs.

On 2013-12-07 06:26, alanbortu wrote:
> robin_listas;2605402 Wrote:

>> Serious software like Excel has, or had, hidden games. You enter e
>> certain code in a cell, and you get a game. OpenOffice had it too.
> That sounds really neat. How did you go about finding that out? I would
> like to think if I ever write software, I will load it with easter eggs.

Because I read about them in a magazine :wink:
There was no internet then.

Just google for “easter egg computer code” and you will find several
sites listing them.

One I jut found: in firefox, type link “about:robots” or “about:mozilla”

Try the emacs ones. Or the google ones.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

I remember seeing the book of mozilla stuff before but I have never seen the about:robots page.

A fun one they should include by default is sl rotfl!

On 2013-12-08 23:26, alanbortu wrote:

> A fun one they should include by default is sl rotfl!

Curious one.

I bumped into another one today, by accident. MobaXterm is an unix/linux
terminal for use in Windows, with the advantage that it contains an X
server; thus if in Windows using that you connect to a Linux machine and
type “yast” you get Yast graphical interface. Or anything.

Well, if you are not connected to anything, the program gets bored and
penguins start falling all over the terminal.

And this is serious software, used on server rooms! Rotfl!

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

I think this is more reason to add the penguins back into grub2! I wonder how many angry mails there were on the MobaXterm mailing list regarding the penguins :wink:

On 2013-12-09 02:56, alanbortu wrote:
> robin_listas;2606472 Wrote:

>> And this is serious software, used on server rooms! Rotfl!
> I think this is more reason to add the penguins back into grub2! I
> wonder how many angry mails there were on the MobaXterm mailing list
> regarding the penguins :wink:

It is commercial software, free of charge for private use. To get
support you have to pay, which probably means, also no mail list of
forum in which to complain :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

Weren’t you on BBSes then? That’s where I found out about things like that. :wink:


The skating penguins have always shown up on random boots from Dec. 1 through New Years, The closer Dec. 25th gets the more frequent the skating penguins become. Naturally when the laptop would just be awake all day this time of year it gets shutdown whenever I leave it just cause I might see the skaters the next time I wake it up

My present this year, a WD 1 TB Slim HD, might install it tonight, sounds like 13.0 is ready for prime time so that’s the plan, 13.0 & E17 & LXDE,
I would be seriously bummed if the penguins for the “Holidaze” are gone, that would really be an unfortunate step away from the original
SuSE Gmbh philosophy and the basic sense of humor the Linux community has always maintained,

Just My 2 Cents