SiS video card: looking for help


Newbie here looking for help…

I’m running openSUSE 11.0 on a pretty old Sony Vaio integrated platform PC and cannot bring my KDE into full 1024x768 resolution. (And while I can get past the blank screen present at the boot - a problem that I’ll have to look into soon -, I can’t use the desktop in this low resolution.

I understand that SiS graphic cards are usually unsupported and plagued with problems; however, I have encountered no trouble running mine correctly and at full parameters in the latest *buntu distributions - but then, I don’t think I like *buntu. So…

Where do I go? and what do I do about it?

If there’s anyone there willing to help, please download and take a look at the text file below, containing my system configuration debug info as of today.

Thanks in advance.

Configuration File

Well, guess I’ll be sticking with *buntu for now… :frowning:

Start over. Cut and paste the output of

lspci -v (to get some info about video chipset and others)
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

There might be something obvious that can be donw with your existing xorg.conf file.

You could try the basic xorg ‘vesa’ driver, in the meantime. Open a console and become root with su command.

init 3 (Change to runlevel 3)
sax2 -r -m 0=vesa (zero=)
init 5

Another approach is to try regenerating xorg.conf with sax2:

init 3
sax2 -r (To reprobe hardware, and set display resolution etc)
init 5

Thanks a million!

I got it working in with the above method - and it survived the restart too, if that’s not too stupid to say. :shame: It also got me rid of the blank screen at the boot. (Anyway, I heard that Linux systems don’t really need reboot to often, so I guess I’ll just keep the station in Stand-by while not using it.)

I really know next to nothing about drivers, and I’d like to upgrade KDE to 4.1 – think it’ll crash my settings?

I really know next to nothing about drivers, and I’d like to upgrade KDE to 4.1 – think it’ll crash my settings?

You can install KDE4.1 packages and still keep KDE 3.5.9. That way you can log back in to the latter if the former gives you grief.