Sir, I need your attention - USB KVM device is not recognised by X11

Environment Details:
Opensuse 11.3
X11 verison 1.5.2

I have attached KVM device to physical machine and i can see events recognised the device

evtest /dev/input/event4 gives the result. However event changes whenever reboot. So, i have added a udev rule to make a soft link.

But, xinput list o/p i don;t see this device. any specific reason ? Also, I have edited xorg.conf file pointing to soft link which is created using udev rule.

please help me why xinput is not able to detect KVM device

xinput list

“Virtual core keyboard” id=0 [XKeyboard]
Num_keys is 248
Min_keycode is 8
Max_keycode is 255
“Virtual core pointer” id=1 [XPointer]
Num_buttons is 32
Num_axes is 2
Mode is Relative
Motion_buffer is 256
Axis 0 :
Min_value is 0
Max_value is -1
Resolution is 0
Axis 1 :
Min_value is 0
Max_value is -1
Resolution is 0
“Keyboard[0]” id=2 [XExtensionKeyboard]
Num_keys is 248
Min_keycode is 8
Max_keycode is 255
“Mouse[1]” id=3 [XExtensionPointer]
Num_buttons is 14
Num_axes is 2
Mode is Relative
Motion_buffer is 256
Axis 0 :
Min_value is -1
Max_value is -1
Resolution is 1
Axis 1 :
Min_value is -1
Max_value is -1
Resolution is 1
“evdev brain” id=4 [XExtensionDevice]

First question has to be why are you using such an old version of openSUSE. It went EOL at the beginning of 2012!

At the very least share the KVM hardware details.

You should also clarify whether your KVM device is a Keyboard/Video/Mouse extender, commonly used for instance to control multiple machines from the same KVM.

I assume you are not talking about the virtualization KVM technology which is “Kernel Virtual Machine.”

A major option you should consider is whether you can consider upgrading, almost no matter what kind of hardware you are running, a modern version of openSUSE will run much better than your 11.3. What do you have running on that machine, anything big or complicated? Any special application?


Yes, that is definitely what they are referring to here.

Thanks for replying.

Answers to your questions:
Yes, KVM is keyboard,Video,Mouse extender.

Legacy applications are running on older versions of SUsE and currently no plans to upgrade.


When i try to connect machines running SuSE linux from KVM, i get mouse lag issue. this is due to relative and absolute mouse pointes. So i’ve converted KVM devices to absolute.

Problem. X11 is not recognising the KVM mouse but evtest results are perfect.

xorg.conf entry

Section “InputDevice”
Driver “evdev”
Option “Buttons” “10”
Option “Device” “/dev/input/bbmouse”
Option “Mode” “Absolute”
Option “SendCoreEvents” “on”

udev rule
KERNEL==“event*”, ATTRS{name}==“Custom Cloud Device”, SYMLINK+=“input/bbmouse”

Any errors reported in xorg.conf?

In theory you could have used ‘MatchProduct “example”’ (or MatchVendor) instead of specifying the device path, and that would eliminate the need for a udev rule. However, since xinput doesn’t enumerate the device, it may well be that Xorg and/or the kernel are too old to support this device.

A pragmatic option might be to run the old openSUSE environment in a VM and leave the host (running new OS) to deal with the real hardware perhaps.

Thank you.

Can i upgrade only xserver from xorg-server-1.5.2 to xorg-server-1.6.5 ?

If yes, please help me.

I can see this error on xorg.0.log

(EE) PreInit returned NULL for “BBOXABSMOUSE”

I doubt it is feasible with such an old, unsupported version of openSUSE.

I’m not sure of its significance (as a single error message). Best to post the entire log. Share it using (and post the link to it here).