signal-desktop didn’t work anymore due to an old version. So I tried to update it and installed the repository of ithod (zypper addrepo But then I became an error that electron is the wrong version. I updated electron also from this repo. But than again were new error messages of missing or wrong packages (libvpx, libFLAC). So I stopped and reseached further. I found the repo network_im_signal. After deleting the ithod repo and installing the network_im_signal repo, the installation worked, but signal doesn’t start with error:
App threw an error during load
Error: No native build was found for platform=linux arch=x64 runtime=electron abi=125 uv=1 libc=glibc node=20.17.0 electron=31.6.0
I suppose, that this installing an deinstalling of repos and packages messed up something, but I can’t figure out, what.
I installed it like @LyzyrdSkynyrd from openSUSE Software (Experimental packages) and works like a charm. There’s Leap 15.6 experimental package available.
As I wrote in my first post, I guess, that I messed something up by installing first from ithod (which didn’t work, due to missing dependencies) and than from network_im repo. But I don’t know, how to fix it.
Thanks for the tip. I deleted signal-desktop, singal-libringrtc, libsignal, nodejs-electron and libvpx9. Then I tried to install signal-desktop, but there was an error: