Signal-desktop doesn't work anymore

signal-desktop didn’t work anymore due to an old version. So I tried to update it and installed the repository of ithod (zypper addrepo But then I became an error that electron is the wrong version. I updated electron also from this repo. But than again were new error messages of missing or wrong packages (libvpx, libFLAC). So I stopped and reseached further. I found the repo network_im_signal. After deleting the ithod repo and installing the network_im_signal repo, the installation worked, but signal doesn’t start with error:

App threw an error during load
Error: No native build was found for platform=linux arch=x64 runtime=electron abi=125 uv=1 libc=glibc node=20.17.0 electron=31.6.0

I suppose, that this installing an deinstalling of repos and packages messed up something, but I can’t figure out, what.

Hi @triessner
The title says Leap 15.6 but the repository is for tumbleweed!
Unfortunately it has already happened to me too

I’ve always been using flatpak version for years, without issues. Snap version should be ok also, if someone prefers it

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thanks for the hint. In reality, I used the 15.6 version, I just mixed up, when writing the topic here (copy and paste error :- :man_facepalming:)

I tried exactly these two repositories as described above.

[EDIT] I just read last @triessner post, so I guess my message won’t be necessary.

I use so I guess you could use

I installed it like @LyzyrdSkynyrd from openSUSE Software (Experimental packages) and works like a charm. There’s Leap 15.6 experimental package available.

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That was a good reminder that I needed to do the same with my Signal client on my Leap 15.6 install.

As I wrote in my first post, I guess, that I messed something up by installing first from ithod (which didn’t work, due to missing dependencies) and than from network_im repo. But I don’t know, how to fix it.

Delete/replace all packages from ithod repo.

Thanks for the tip. I deleted signal-desktop, singal-libringrtc, libsignal, nodejs-electron and libvpx9. Then I tried to install signal-desktop, but there was an error:

File ‘./x86_64/libsignal-0.56.1-lp156.1.2.x86_64.rpm’ not found on medium ‘

after a zypper refresh the installation worked without errors, and singal works also. Obviously libsignal was the problem. Thanks for you help again.

This is a clear sign that this repo is not set up properly. You need to enable auto refresh.

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