shutdown problem

Hi guys,
i have a very wierd problem…

i have installed opensuse11.2 on my system.
and when i do a reboot command or a shutdown one.
it starts the process. i can see the bar at the shutdown screen completing 100%.

but at the end, instead of turning off CPU, its get hanged there…

after completing 100%

Plz help me,. i am ready to do anything for it.

PS:- i had a similar problem while setup… i have asked help about it too…
u might get few required info like my hardware etc there

Installation not working - openSUSE Forums

Hit the ESC key when you are on the green screen and report where it hangs.

BTW there have been quite a few shutdown threads recently. You may search the forums archives for some additional info.

Okay done as u said…

here is the report


Last Three Messages******************
Sending all processes TERM Signal DONE
Sending all processed KILL signal DONE
The system will be halted immediatly

after the message “The system will be halted immediatly” nothing happens, absolutely nothing.
even if the NUM, CAPS. SCROLL lights doesnt appear after pressing…

thats what i get…

i am a newbie, but i think thats 100% of shutdown script… am i right???

guys any help please???

Shutdown has almost completed. It is safe to switch off the computer manually. opensuse is usable on the computer.

Likely there is defect or misunderstanding in software-motherboard interaction.

Update the BIOS.

Try to boot from live CDs of opensuse 11.2, 11.1 and even older, then shutdown. Also try gparted Live CD, then shutdown.

about live cd, iwill try opensuse live one :slight_smile:

but i really doubt its my BIOS.
coz as i mention in my other thread, my BIOS is up-do-date…(updated one at manufacturers site coz i dont use third party bios updates)

and red-hat, fedora worked like a charm on my comp for such porblems…

i dint even had to select no-acpi for redhat and fedora

On 2009-12-14, smartflower2002 wrote:
> about live cd, iwill try opensuse live one :slight_smile:
> but i really doubt its my BIOS.
> coz as i mention in my other thread, my BIOS is up-do-date…(updated
> one at manufacturers site coz i dont use third party bios updates)
> and red-hat, fedora worked like a charm on my comp for such porblems…
> i dint even had to select no-acpi for redhat and fedora

But you used no-acpi with openSUSE?
Could be your problem, try doing without.

It definitely sounds like a power managment problem. The shutdown is
complete, really. It just didn’t switch the machine off.

Any time things appear to be going better, you have overlooked


you are right, i have used no ACPI command.
but if i start setup with ACPI default, it doesnt start only

i also tried this steps…
in yasts admin control, kernel configuration, basic I/O

i tried all options… but none of them are helping me…

but using NOOP, reboot is working, but same error with shutdown…

can u tell me how to configure ACPI

i found a line in boot which maybe the reason

acpid: no acpi support in kernel SKIPPED

is this the problem???

I am not sure whether this will be helpful.

If you can, try to find the kernel parameters that you used for successful installation of Fedora. Then pass them to opensuse during installation. But pay attention to kernel version.

For that, naturally, you need a working Fedora.

Also look at the following web pages:

SDB:Kernel Parameters for ACPI/APIC - openSUSE

Linux Kernel Documentation :: kernel-parameters.txt

in fedora i did not configure any thing, but if u want i got its file

i had it as backup when i was dualbooting win7 with fedora from windows, but ofcourse i failed…

title Fedora (
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz- ro root=UUID=e5c569e0-e57c-49d3-b551-cb447b4b6b06 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us rhgb quiet
initrd /initramfs-

that is the grub config file of fedora

in opensuse, i tried this two parameters in menu.lst file

acpi=on apm=on powersave=on

but then i removed apm and powersave and tried only with acpi, no help…

same problem…

is there any software or anything that can help me in it??

thanks in advance

There is tool on installation DVD, called something like “Check the computer”. It checks the BIOS and perhaps more. It is not the memtest.

Most computers are found to have several defects.

I have once read that it is possible to correct the defects by correcting, recompiling and installing something like BIOS code. Most of the defects are related to Microsoft.

If you go this routine, which is quite long and difficult, there is a substantial chance to correct the software defect that prohibits the correct shutdown.

okay done the test… i got two things failed

  1. HPTEC no idea what is htat

  2. ACPI

they both had failed remark on it…

so what to do next???

Search for more information on the Internet. There is a way to likely correct. Requires correction of C- and assembler-like code of the motherboard, then a compilation. Intel has the compiler. I have seen it once.

Perhaps start a new thread on that; unfortunately I don’t even know the exact name of the thing to be corrected.

You can run the same test on a variety of computers to see how often and what fails.

Evidently, the ACPI does not implement correctly one command that is sent to it by opensuse.

So concentrate on ACPI options. Maybe an option weaker than acpi=off will allow the installation. For example, there are optoins force, ht, strict, noirq, rsdt. Also acpi_pm_good. They are listed in the link above beginning line 144.

Try a few older opensuse-s and Live opensus-s. Maybe opensuse 11.1 will work.