Shutdown in Beta 5 KDE 4

I have installed Beta 5 KDE 4 on a Toshiba laptop. Unlike in older versions of openSUSE, I have to give the root password to switch off the machine. Is there a way to avoid this or is it a bug?

It’s a bug and even listed on Bugs:Most Annoying Bugs 11.1 dev - openSUSE

Quite right, but it has also been marked as ‘fixed’, although exactly how it has been fixed is kept a mystery.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me because my copy of still does it every time and it is really annoying.

The fix in the new package for /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/ looks like:

   echo "PluginsLogin=winbind"
-  if  $(pam-config -q --fp) = "auth:" ] then
+  if  "$(pam-config -q --fp)" = "auth:" ]; then
     echo "PluginsLogin=generic"

I’m not sure when exactly it was fixed, but I updated to factory yesterday almost as soon as I installed beta 5 and the issue was gone.

Hey Beineri, I would like to thank you very much for going to the trouble of looking up the exact section in the exact file that I needed to edit, that is above and beyond the call of duty!!
Thing is though that I would have expected to have received an amended file in some update or other, but I never have. I manually edited the file you quoted and it works perfectly, but why I didn’t receive that as an update is a mystery to me. (My system is fully up to date).
Anyway, thanks again your post has solved my problem completely. (Only another 1000 or so to go now, don’t you just love KDE4 (NOT!!!)).

There are only very few online updates released for devel releases and rather as a test for the update stack only. You can get all bugfixes via zypper dup using the Factory repository.

I had already done that before I read your post, but I didn’t get the update that fixed the shutdown problem. Maybe just a question of timing. Anyway I have got it now so thanks again.