Should I install 64 bit?

I have this machine: HP Pavilion which I believe is 64 bit. I have installed on it over the past few months several Linuxes, including openSUSE 10.3 but I have not yet found one that works, so I am now dual booting with Windows 2000.

I want to try openSUSE 11 now. I don’t recall but I presume I can install it onto my specific partitions which are already setup (and thus remove my Kubuntu which I don’t like).

So my main question is should I go for 64 bit? I was told about Ubuntu that unless I have some perceived need for it, that I should stick with 32 bit as it’s more stable/tested and certain things (like Flash at the time) may not be available on 64 bit.


I suggest you to download the 64 bit live-cd. You can choose between kde 4.0.4 and gnome 2.2.2 flavours. If this live cd provides you with a nice desktop, changes are great that your computer is capable of running 64 bit.

Good luck!

Probably not worth it really. There a minimal if any advantages - in fact more likely - disadvantages.

32 bit will be much easier, esp, if you are new to this.

Re; above comment
DON’T use the live cd to install down the DVD!
Go with kde3 or Gnome to start

What processor does your HP Pavillion have?

Is opensuse 64 bit stable , in my case it is .
I use KDE 3 and GNOME .
Is 32 bits version better I do not know use also openuse 10.3 in the 64 bits version
But not every package is already transformed in the
64 bit , but does not matter yast make the choice automatic
My advise download 64 bits version in a Live CD and try it you,re self

I partially agree: for 32 bits seems to be more stable or if your main memory is less than 1024Mb. If you are working frequently with multimedia stick with 32 bit.

On the other side, if you have 1024 Mb or more and interested in Java programming, 64 bit is interesting.

I had a feeling that that was the case.

Yes, KDE3 or Gnome. Can I ask why you recommend DVD over CD? I have the CD now so I think I will at least run it live to see KDE and Gnome. I prefer Gnome in Ubuntu, so I presume I will for openSUSE also.

I also didn’t see a guide regarding dual boot, but I presume that the SUSE installer will see that I have Win 2K in the first partition and Debian somewhere else. My current LILO has those 2 plus Kubuntu and I plan to format the 2 Kubuntu partitions and put SUSE there.

PS: Whoever said (I looked into this a bit online) that the SUSE forums are not as friendly/active as Ubuntu is apparently an idiot–you people are fantastic! Thanks!

At first i would recommend that you should use the 32bit version of openSuse, since the speed advantages are very low compared to the 32bit Version(you can meassure it but you dont feel it ) ,in some cases its even slower to run 64bit programms.
Alltough the Suse team did a great job to create a really functional multi arch. OS ,but there is still a lack of a 64bit Adobe flashplayer, 64bit javaplugin, some codecs, some programms like zattoo player…Of course there are tons of workarounds (Yast does a good job there) and alternatives , but also there is no reason for you to face the trouble.

Dont worry about your partitions the opensuse installer is one of the best i know.

Well i understand that you dont like the default kde in Kubuntu ,no one likes the default kde in kubuntu ;-), but you should at least take a look at the Suse kde Desktop its much nicer.


Groovy :slight_smile:


The look I don’t mind. The main thing I noticed is that I couldn’t get a window to activate when the mouse was over it. Perhaps I just didn’t know where to go to find that feature.

In windows I use a crazy old mouse driver just b/c it has a feature that it raises a window to the top when I mouse over the title bar. I haven’t found such a thing for X, but in Gnome I can have the window activate when the mouse is over it, which is just as good.


Can I ask why you recommend DVD over CD

The DVD offers all the packages available - the cd just provides the very basics.
Also, and most importantly, if you need to do a rescue, you will need to have used the dvd in the first place.

Read this
Partitioning/Install Guide - openSUSE Forums

Great. Thank you!