Sharing Internet from one System to another..

i am unable to share internet from one system to another .

I have two ethernet cards eth0 and eth1:
Where the internet is cable is conneted to eth0
I have another system i have connected a cable through eth1 to my second systems network card

now i am able to access the internet on eth0 i.e.,on my first system …
how can i share the internet which ius coming from eth0 to another system using eth1

Help me

thanks regards
Yakub Pasha.

AFAIK you need a router which assigns separate numbers (IPv4 or IPv6) to each each computer.

The machine with two cards can work as a router if this is what you wish to do

How does the machine with two cards gets it’s internet connect, from a router or modem?

You need to set up IP masquerading (ICS in windows parlance). This tutorial tells you how:
openSUSE ICS: Internet Connection Sharing (Linux IP Masquerading) with Suse or Windows Servers

Thank you for the suggestions.i will try and get back to you:).