Setup zram correctly in order to survive a reboot

I have successfully deployed MicroOS /w encryption on a single partition.
Now I want to setup zram.
I prefer to install package systemd-zram-service in a new snapshot using sudo transactional-update shell.
The installation is successfull and I can activate it using sudo zramswapon.
However, zram activation is not persistent.
In my (traditional) thinking I would enable relevant systemd-service.
However this is an immutable OS and therefore this approach fails.

Can you please advise how to setup zram correctly?


@cmonty28 Hi and welcome to the Forum :smile:
You need to start and enable the service…

systemctl start zramswap.service
systemctl status zramswap.service
systemctl enable zramswap.service

This means I install the package within transactional-update, exit after successfull installation, and then enable the service using systemctl enable zramswap.service?

@cmonty28 Hi you just install the package with transactional-update pkg install <some_package>, reboot the system, then enable/start the service. You can reboot again, but once enabled it will start on a reboot…,

No. Enabling unit and starting unit are two independent operations. You can combine them with

systemctl enable --now ...

Could you share your experience when I should use transactional-update, Flatpak or Distrobox?
I have installed nano, lsscsi with Distrobox, but it failed for gparted.
Installing gparted with transactional-update worked, though.

How should I install package os-prober in order to configure Grub for dualboot?

@cmonty28 that all depends on your use case… flatpaks and containers as your user is the recommended way for a desktop environment.

Yes if dual booting, you need os-prober and enable it in the /etc/default/grub config, then run transactional-update grub.cfg and reboot…

I have MicroOS Aeon running dual boot on a DELL Tablet, then a laptop just with Aeon, then a couple of SelfInstalls running RKE2/Rancher and K3s.

What do you recommend for a use case where I use CLI tool /w and w/o root permission, e.g. nano?
I run this export bin command:

distrobox-export --bin /usr/bin/nano --export-path $HOME/.local/bin

but then I cannot run nano with root permission.

Do I need to run distrobox-export with option --sudo, too?

@cmonty28 Then I would just install the rpm version…

Could you please describe (in a few words) the installation steps?

@cmonty28 transactional-update pkg install nano then reboot…