Setting up Wireless Internet Connection

Ok. I bought myself a new laptop. I have a desktop connected to a wireless router. I can’t seem to figure out how to connect this laptop to the wireless router. In windows this is easy. Search for wireless networks, put in your passwords and your done. I can’t seem to figure out how to get this done in 11.1.

Should I use NetworkManager or ifup?

In Network Manager I have 1 connection Type 802-3-ethernet automatic configuration.

In Yast2/ifup I have User Controlled by NetworkManager. Global Options, Overview, Hostname/DNS are all default. Routing I have a default gateway of (the address of the wireless router) and one routing table setup using device eth0.

So any idea what I need to do to get this wireless internet connection to work?

I can only see the one device for ethernet from your post as below.
In Network Manager I have 1 connection Type 802-3-ethernet automatic configuration.
Do you have any other connection in your Network Manager? If no any other one, your wireless device of laptop should not detected by opensuse.

> So any idea what I need to do to get this wireless internet connection
> to work?

go here:

click on “Sticky: Getting Your Wireless to Work”

if that doesn’t get you going click on the next one: “Sticky: My
wireless doesn’t work - a primer on what I should do next”

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