Hey there everybody,
as this is my first post let me quickly introduce myself:
my name is Matt (as my real name would be hard to pronounce by non-german natives), I’m 25 yr old and currently I’m the admin of a small root-server hosted by well known OVH.
As I started by renting the server I looked for a solution for my own mail-server and since I’ve stucked to the groupware solution Citadel/UX. As support for PHP5 was dropped I moved from 13.2 to tumbleweed, another reason was that the current version of citadel of that time had some issues fixed in the tumbleweed release.
So my system ran for about 1 1/2 year, and with update somewhen around mid-october my citadel got stuck again with same database issues it had when I moved to tumbleweed.
As I figured out the time I switched releases as now it’s some wired bug with the database subsystem citadel uses: berkeley-db.
So I went to the support-forum then and got no reply, so I didn’t this time as I aspected I wouldn’t get any response now.
As this happend the first time I searched for other solutions, as I did now, and came up with a set-up guide for postfix linked to postfixadmin and dovecot via mysql.
I tried it then and tried it now again, but as the newest tutorial I could find was back from 2015 it didn’t worked with current releases.
What I’m looking for: an easy to configure mail system with tls-support for TCP/25 (rather: enforcement for of TLS for inter-mta communication - but as I searched the net this could cause problems with many servers not configured for inter-mta TLS) and IMAP/143 and SMTP/587 over STARTTLS for client communications.
As to be honest: postfixadmin may offer some easy administration after its setup-up correctly, but the out-of-box version installed with zypper need many adjustments to get it running. So it wouldn’t be my tool of choice.
The needed pre-requirements as correct DNS-records (A, MX and reverse PTR) and certificates signed by a well known CA (StartSSL.com) are already met, so my last set-up with citadel/ux ran perfectly.
I would preffere to also use the database as the massage-storage, too. But as I searched the web, this doesn’t seem to be a widely used configuration.
But as it seems I’m unable to get the basic setup described in some older tutorials up and running I’m here to request some help to set-up an easy but secure mail-system for personal and small community use.
I’ve also tried some other groupware solutions, but some of them simply failed to install with not so helpfull logs and others was just to over-the-top buiseness solutions not met my requirements. To be honest: some of them required a registered licence even for personal use.
I’m hoping for some hints how you guys set-up your mail-systems in order to get mine up and running again after about a month of non-availbility.
If any additional information needed for me to provide for you just let me know.
In hope to get some help and apprecating any who spend free time for my problem,