Set static IP on leap15.1 obs appliance

HI, in our production environment we have an OBS appliance that is running. We need to change the static IP address but I am having a hard time finding out how. Sorry for a novice questions if so.
I see many references to yast and yast2 but it does not appear our appliance has those installed each time we try we get command not found. Since this is an appliance I am a little hesitant to install things. Also there is no GUI.

So can anyone recommend the easiest way to switch this from DHCP to static? Let me know and I will give it a try. Is there a config file I can edit that would take care of this? Any other preferred method?

Thanks in advance!

Hi and welcome!

On the CLI yast would be the easiest way to setup network. Strange it isn’t there. Are you sure you have root permission? (root = administrator) If not you will very likely not be able to modify the required config files, either.
For static IP addresses you should use wicked for your network setup. The alternative is NetworkManager which is more suitable for WiFi. I have tried to setup a static IP address in NetworkManager GUI without success.



or rather

su -l



Or if you can’t login as root

sudo yast

You need the root password in either case.
If you can access yast move to “system” => “network settings”. You can find your network interface and modify the settings. If you set a static IP you may have to disable DHCP (I never tried otherwise). You will then have to add a static route and DNS …

If you have root credentials but really no yast, check as root if wicked is running:

systemctl status wicked


man wicked

config files are in


Better backup any file before modifying.

On my home server the relevant file seems to be ifcfg-eth0. After editing run

systemctl restart wicked

Hello bgopelfor,

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And a small explanatation: as yast2 is the GUI interface, you will not be able to use it in a non-GUI environment. In the CLI one uses yast (as explained by @kasi024). It will use the ncurses interface on the terminal.

Hi, Thank you for the reply. I went back in and tried the following

sudo yast

But I get “command not found” I wonder if the stripped it during the obs appliance creation, not sure though.

I was able to confirm that wicked is running.

So it seems my best bet is going to be the following:


and editing ifcfg-etho and then restarting wicked?

Thanks for everything!

Well, without having yast that seems to be what you have to do. There is a template file which may help:

cat /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg.template

This is my setup:


I am mostly relying on yast, so I only have to do such editing once in a while. Checking my server, there is another file “ifroute-eth0” which is containing just one line - the default route via may fritz box:

default - eth0

I made the IP addresses up - you will know your router’s IP address I hope. There is also the file “config”. For my server there is the DNS resolution set static:


I can’t promise that is all. These are just the details I can identify having been set on my system.