secure remove from BTrFS

On HDD, my partition has been snapshotted, how to secure remove a file from all snapshots? or making CoW feature disable at this second.

a) you cannot delete single file from read-only snapshot. You can delete the whole snapshot.
b) if “secure erase” means “overwrite file with random content” - that is generally not possible on btrfs which is redirect-on-write (existing data is never overwritten).


There’s a SUSE Support document: <>.
And, a StackExchange “superuser” article: <>.

  • Unfortunately, nothing in the openSUSE documentation …
  • The “btrfs-property” man page also, isn’t much help …

This is very bad advice unless user fully understands all potential effects in which case user does not need this document.

The command itself shows:

**6700K:~ #** btrfs property list /backup-home/backup_6  
ro                  read-only status of a subvolume 
compression         compression algorithm for the file or directory 
**6700K:~ #** btrfs property set /backup-home/backup_6 ro false 
ERROR: cannot flip ro->rw with received_uuid set, use force if you really want that 
**6700K:~ #**

You may want to be consistent and change the original subvolume too. But obviously changing ro works:

**6700K:~ #** btrfs property get /home/backup_6 
**6700K:~ #**

You may want to do some exercises before touching the real thing.

The user has to understand that, Btrfs Snapshots aren’t meant to be used for backups –

 # btrfs property list /.snapshots/1/snapshot/
ro                  read-only status of a subvolume
compression         compression algorithm for the file or directory

If the hardware medium where the snapshots are stored fails, the snapshots will be lost and therefore the data which was supposed to be backed up will also be lost …
[HR][/HR]IMNSHO, using Btrfs Snapshots as a means to backup user files, is not reliable.

  • I could be persuaded that, system directories where a snapshot was taken before patches and updates were installed, can be a means of restoring the system if, the patches and/or updates were bad, could be a means to quickly bring the affected systems back into service.
  • But, I’m absolutely not convinced that, taking snapshots of user directories is a reliable means of performing user backups – it is only a possible means of retrieving files which have been “accidentality” deleted – with the emphasis on possible