searching tool that does the job of debootstrap for openSUSE


im searching a software that does the same thing that debootstrap does, just for openSUSE

debootstrap downloads an minimal Linux envorionment (kernel, shell, editor, other basic stuff … ) useful for chrooting from a debian-like packagerespository … with debootstrap you execute only one command and then you get an small debian-like system installed

im not familiar how the suse-packages are called so i dont know if there is something like this for opensuse… can someone recommend me an similar tool which creates an minimal openSUSE for chrooting ?

Not sure of a specific one but you have the options of install into directory through yast also you have rpm --root.

Not sure how minimal you’ll get with yast but I suspect that maybe the easiest, last time I checked it depended on X not sure if that is still the same.

Think zypper takes root, breifly saw something but may of missed it on the wiki page. I’d also suspect but not looked that in swm you’ll have some kind of core type group that may help if using zypper/rpm and is a viable route.

rpm --root works, but i dont know which are the packets i need for an minmal environment, same goes for zypper

is there maybe a kind of metapackage for an minimal environment ?

Honestly I’m not on Suse at the moment and my chroot isn’t set up, if this was me I would look at Software manager and select by groups(Pretty sure you can) see if one makes sense.

TBH I’m not sure that the minimal install will be that much different perhaps there is a test zypper run that you can try, I found some deps went a little to deep, but this may well of changed(Not tried a minimal install since 10.3).

Zypper understands groups iirc

as creating the chrooting environment is done by script, i have to use command line software

i was testing a little more and it look like dosent really fetch dependencys at all … instead of downloading it or reading it from cd rpm just dies with error when an dependency is missing

looks like i still havent found the right software for packagemanagement with rpm after all

man zypper

zypper --help