Searching python-rsvg

Hi all,
I added the repo for SLE-12 and noticed that most of my python builds fail, as they require python-rsvg.
This is delivered with Repository: openSUSE-13.1-Oss, but the search on OBS does not bring up any result! Package search on shows the standard packages, but in the project itself the package is not found…weird.
So, assuming once I have found the package, what is the way to bring it into SLE-12? Submit request? does not allow to file against SLE-12

It is not quite clear to me if you added the “the repo for SLE-12” (which repo?) to an openSUSE 13.1 system or an SLE-12 system. But in the first case, that seems not advisable to me. In the second case: these are the openSUSE forums and not the SLES/SLED forums.

While thereare people here that may know that it exists, not many have ever used it.
The SLED/SLED forums is at:

When building for SLE 12, one needs to check if it’s in the SDK (otherwise you get troubles for different versions, potential breakages etc), else link to the devel project for the package, in this case it’s

osc copypac GNOME:Factory gnome-python-desktop <target project>

Just checked here, you also need to ensure it builds against;

 Information for package librsvg-devel:
Repository: SLE-SDK12-Pool
Name: librsvg-devel
Version: 2.40.2-1.13

Factory is 2.40.5 so just make sure it pulls 2.40.2 from the Pool in the build log.

Sorry, I missed the crucial information that this is in the OBS forum. Please forget my post above.