Seagate Free Agent Go compatibility?

I have seen a lot of threads here and on others forums about problems with these models. I have a regular seagate portable that works great. The threads are all 2009 and older, so I was wondering if anyone could confirm that the free agent go portable models work before I buy one. Especially with 11.3. I can get a 640GB for $99.

I confess I have not see ONE thread on this forum about a problem with Seagate Free Agent Go.

There was a thread about a problem with a Seagate Free Agent Xtreme. But given I have such an external USB/Firewire drive, and it works fine, I confess I suspect the problem is not with the Free Agent Xtreme but elsewhere. In addition to my Free Agent Xtreme (that works well) , I have have a Free Agent Desktop USB drive that works well. I don’t have a Free Agent Go , and searching I could not find a LOT of posts on the Free Agent Go on our forum. OK, more specifically I could not find ONE post with an unsolvable problem about it (nor any posts reporting minor/major problem wrt it). Having stated that, my experience is our forum search function has degraded SIGNIFICANTLY since the update of the forum to this new software.

Are you sure your recollection is correct and confident that this is the correct forum where you noted the problems? Can you point to a 1/2 dozen or so threads on our forum where you also note you have seen a lot of threads?

I have a 320Gb FreeAgent Go which works perfectly.

There were only 4 or 5 on these forums. Most of them were on the Ubuntu forums. There was a problem when the drive would go to sleep, and not wake up with linux. Given that Ubuntu is so popular, I usually just google “Ubuntu what ever I’m looking for”, and then work my way back to openSUSE after going through 20 or more threads to find an answer. Thanks for the confirmation.