screen upsidedown after upgrade

on my samsung RV520 with suse tumbleweed after upgrading to kde4.10 and kernel 3.8.0-28-desktop everything went smoothly, after few days I login with another user, black screen, I deleted /home/user/.kde4 and I get this screen upsidedown… :-), I created a new user and the result has been the same, the video board is nvidia GEFORCE GT 520M and as sysinfo says nouveau gallium should be the driver…:slight_smile:
how can I solve??
manythanks :slight_smile: ciao Pier

I’ve seen this once, on my laptop. Switched if off, booted from a livecd to check, all was well. Back in the installed version all was back to normal as well, my guess was a one time hardware failure. You could rerun zypper up, to see if you missed some package.

pier andreit wrote:

> on my samsung RV520 with suse tumbleweed after upgrading to kde4.10
> and kernel 3.8.0-28-desktop everything went smoothly, after few days I
> login with another user, black screen, I deleted /home/user/.kde4 and
> I get ‘this screen upsidedown’ (…
> :-), I created a new user and the result has been the same, the video
> board is nvidia GEFORCE GT 520M and as sysinfo says nouveau gallium
> should be the driver…:slight_smile:
> how can I solve??
> manythanks :slight_smile: ciao Pier
I’ve seen this in past, not on 12.2. What I did then was reinstall the
Nvidia driver (for my GeForce 8400GS). That fixed it.

Hope this helps if you have not tried it already.

openSUSE 12.2(Linux 3.4.28-2.20-desktop x86_64)|KDE 4.10.00
“release 550”|Intel core2duo 2.5 MHZ,|8GB DDR3|GeForce

On 03/02/2013 04:46 PM, pier andreit wrote:
> on my samsung RV520 with suse tumbleweed

Please move thread to the tumbleweed forum.

Carlos E. R. (12.3 Dartmouth test at Minas-Anor)

but I’m not using nvidia driver…, sysinfo says me that I’m using nouveau driver…, if sysinfo is reliable…:slight_smile:
@knurpht, I tried to boot with suse12.2 kde livecd, check if everything was ok, all was ok but I don’t solved the upsidedown screen…

but, also, why only other users and not the one I use more often??
-on my samsung RV520 with graphic board nvidia GEFORCE GT 520M with suse tumbleweed kernel 3.8.0-28-desktop KDE4.10I have upsidedown screen.
I checked on the other my laptop, dell latitude e6510 with nvidia board where I have 12.2 and tumbleweed installed:
-with 12.2 fully updated with kernel 3.4.28-2.20-desktop and KDE4.9.5 using nvidia driver NVIDIA 304.64 I haven’t upsidedown screen on other users.
-with tumbleweed with kernel 3.6.3-8-desktop and KDE4.9.5 using nouveau, this happen, I have upsidedown screen.
-on my acer one D255 with intel graphic board where I have tumbleweed installed I haven’t upsidedown screen.

so it seems to not dipend on kernel, KDE4.10, tumbleweed, and it seems depend on the combination of nvidia graphic board and nouveau…

P.S. do you think is better to move to tumbleweed forum???
thanx, :slight_smile: ciao :-), Pier

I found one way to partially solve, I copied the home folder of the working user in the home folder of the upsidedown screen user, changed all the permissions of the copied files to upsidedown screen user, and it works, I haven’t upsidedown screen, but I have just more users to be different one from another.

have you some suggestion what in the home folder could be the culprit??

thnx, :slight_smile: ciao :slight_smile: Pier

I agree this belongs in the Tumbleweed forum … as the nouveau driver in use here is associated with a Tumbleweed version of the kernel, plus a number of the graphical packages are specific to Tumbleweed.

Hence I will move this thread to Tumbleweed.

I ask that NNTP users do NOT post any further on this thread, but instead go to the Tumbleweed forum area, looking for a new thread entitled something like “screen upsidedown after the upgrade”. Please allow 30 to 60 minutes for the thread move to take place. It may take me a while to complete the move (as I will look for this post to make it through the NNTP gateway before moving the thread). I will quote this thread, posting in the new Tumblweed area, when the thread is open again for posting such that NNTP users can continue there.

This thread has been moved from ‘applications’ to Tumbleweed. NNTP users may find some of the old posts under applications (with subject “screen upsidedown after upgrade” ) but I ask that all future posts be made here in the Tumblweed area.

The thread is NOW open again to BOTH WEB and NNTP based users for posting.

To help wrt thread continuity, I will quote in another post (after this one) some of the above posts. I will allow those to make it through the NNTP gateway, and then delete the quotes on the WEB side, so as to keep this reasonably clean. Hopefully this will work.

it is in /home/user/.kde4, but,
-if I create a newuser, reboot, login in it, I have upsidedown screen.
-if I login in the working user, open dolphin in su-mode, copy the working .kde4 folder in the non working newuser /home folder, select all, change permission to user=newuser group=users, reboot, login, kde progress icons hung at the second icon and I have no desktop.
-login again in the working user, copy a couple of random /home/user/.something file (I tried with .bash_history, .bashrc, .inputrc, .directory…) select all, change permission to user=newuser group=users, reboot, login in newuser, it works…

I’m continuing investigating but it seems strange…

thnx, :slight_smile: ciao :slight_smile: pier

> I’m continuing investigating but it seems strange…

i faintly remembered reading something about this before, so i did
this so maybe you can find what others found:“upside+down”+screen+OR+monitor+OR+view


well. the black screen is solved, it is in /home/user/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc, I don’t know where, I have to investigate how to find differences…

thnx :slight_smile: ciao :slight_smile: pier

I restricted the thing to /home/user/.kde4/share/config, but I have to copy some random files too…
I suspect something related to permission too, as I do everithing with dolphin,
-when I copy from the working user .kde4/share/config only, then when I select all, alt>enter>permission tab the user and the group are already written in theyr space, I check the apply to subfolder and click ok, at the login KDE progress icon hungs at the third icon,
-then I copy some .file, select all, alt>enter>permission tab, the user and group space are empty, I write the username and the group=users, check the apply to subfolder and click ok, and it works…

I think my suspect about permission and dolphin could be true…, I created a new user, the screen was upsidedown, so I copied the /home/workinguser/.kde4/share/config tu the /home/newuser*/.kde4/share/config* as root, then I did

chown -R newuser.users /home/newuser/.kde4

and everything worked…:), the same operation by dolphin didn’t worked, in the next days I will update to 12.3, as soon tumbleweed repo will be full…

ciao, :slight_smile: pier :slight_smile: