Screen Problem


I had to change the screen of my Dell Inspiron 1520. This laptop has GM965/GL960 integrated Graphic Controller. I could not get the original replacement screen. So the one that i got has a very high resolution: 1920x1200. It looks better and brighter than before but every thing - icons etc, looks so small and sometime i find difficult to read the font. When i lower the resolution with ‘Configure display setting’ the items look bigger but less sharp and the screen leaves empty spaces right and left.
What should i do to see the icons and fonts on desktop and elsewhere somewhat bigger with the current resolution (1920x1200)? :slight_smile:

Which desktop environment are you using? That will make a difference to the answer.

Using Gnome with openSUSE-11.4

Assuming you’re using Gnome 2? Anyway, see if this approach works for you to set preferred icon size

Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - [gnome] How to set default icon size?

Any Gnome users around?

I believe that adjusting the DPI setting (probably to 96 or more) will work better, as it will affect not only icons but everything else.

Thanks to deano_ferrari (Global Moderator); the icons are looking comfortable at 150%.

Hi brunomcl: (Wise Penguin) How does one set the DPI? where?

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Hi brunomcl: (Wise Penguin)

>>I believe that adjusting the DPI setting (probably to 96 or more) will work better, as it will affect not only icons but everything >>else.

I have adjusted the DPI as suggested by you. It has improved most fonts but some, such as menu title fonts of konsole for example, have not improved. Any remedy for them?

Since konsole is a kde app, I assume you’re running KDE4. Font type and size for KDE windows, menus and dialogues can be adjusted in system settings > appearance > fonts. (I’m translating from my system, in english system settings may appear as personal settings in KDE menu).

Now if you’re running another DE (like gnome) and konsole, I have no idea.

Since konsole is a kde app, I assume you’re running KDE4.

The OP stated previously that they were using Gnome, so I chose not to advise, but now I see they mention konsole as well…

I am using gnome2. But i also use konsole because i like it. Any suggestions to improve konsole running in gnome 2 environment?

No idea, really. In KDE you can choose among a number of KDE-like themes for GTK apps, the default being oxigen-gtk. In gnome maybe you have something similar, or perhaps the font size is buried in some obscure config file the gnome developers don’t deem necessary for you to have access to. I understand this is - or was - part of gnome’s philosophy to simplify things.

Thanks a lot for your response. This was not such an annoying problem, anyway. I may live with it i suppose!!