Screen blinks

Hi everone,

I have a problem with my Dell SP2009W and ATI Radeon HD 3650 and openSuse 11.0 and 11.1.
The screen turns off and on all the time (turns black). And it started after a complete software update.

Is there a way to get the old version back or do anyone vahe a another solution?

Best regards

mats ulvedal adjusted his/her AFDB on Saturday 08 Aug 2009 09:46 to write:

> Hi everone,
> I have a problem with my Dell SP2009W and ATI Radeon HD 3650 and
> openSuse 11.0 and 11.1.
> The screen turns off and on all the time. And it started after a
> complete software update.
> Is there a way to get the old version back or do anyone vahe a another
> solution?
> Best regards

May be me but can you try and explain a bit more?

When you say it goes off and on do you mean the screen blanks as if the
power management has blanked the screen and you need to move the mouse or
press a key to get it back or is it blinking randomly as there is something
wrong with the card or drivers?

Also what did you upgrade?

You say software but what, if you mean the kernel got updated then do you
need to update the ATI drivers?

This depends on which ones you were using before so let us know please.

also are you using KDE or Gnome? do you have effects turned on or off? are
you using compiz or Kwin?

As you can see we need a bit more info before we can be able to even make a
guess at the problem let alone suggest a remedy.


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thanks for fast reply.
The screen turns black for some seconds, and it does not help if I move the mouse ot hit the keyboard.

I think it was a complete upgrade, I did it from yast and upgrade after a new install of Suse 11.1 and 11.0. I tried both of them. I really don’t know which part(package) get upgraded.

I use KDE 4.1 without effects on. And I do not use compiz, just standard KDE 4.1 from install


mats ulvedal adjusted his/her AFDB on Saturday 08 Aug 2009 12:16 to write:

> Hi,
> thanks for fast reply.
> The screen turns black for some seconds, and it does not help if I move
> the mouse ot hit the keyboard.
> I think it was a complete upgrade, I did it from yast and upgrade after
> a new install of Suse 11.1 and 11.0. I tried both of them. I really
> don’t know which part(package) get upgraded.
> I use KDE 4.1 without effects on. And I do not use compiz, just
> standard KDE 4.1 from install
> Regards
> Mats

Hi matts,

When you installed did you install any drivers for your graphics?

Did you use the “Oneclick” install or did you use the ATI repository in

If this is a graphics problem then what might have happened is the newer
kernel was updated which might be causing problems as you drivers may not be

When the machine goes black is it as KDE/Gnome is loading or before you get
to the GUI?

Also when it appears to crash can does anything happen if you hold down
Ctrl+Alt and press the backspace twice?

Does anything happen when you press:


do you get to a terminal?

If you get nothing at all are your keyboard LEDs flashing or stuck on (
scroll lock, caps lock, num lock ) if they are then this indicates a kernel

If none of the above gets you to a terminal on the next boot at the Grub
screen with the choice of O/S`s when you choose the SuSE entry ( if dual
booting ) type just the number 3 you should see it echoed on the screen in
the kernel parameter line, this will start the machine in runlevel 3 with no
GUI, you should get a login prompt.

Login as root and enter the root password.

Next run:

sax2 -r -m 0=vesa

see if that will get you to the graphics configuration, if it does then
“save” the config ( do not do anything like change screen size or anything )
it will ask if you want to test so click OK then it will s ave save.

You will then get dropped back to the console, type:

init 5

and see if you graphics comes up then.

Lets us know what happens and we will then try and get you running with the
ATI drivers.


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I did perform a one click install ( always work fine until now).

Nothing happens when I enter ctrl+alt or ctrl+alt+F1.

But when I changed session type to TVM the problem disappear and if I choice failsafe.

Then I did the trick sax2, and now the screen is working fine excpept it refuse to use 1680105060hz only 1400*1050 SXGA+

Well, I cant’t have it all?? Any idea?


mats ulvedal adjusted his/her AFDB on Saturday 08 Aug 2009 19:06 to write:

> Hi,
> I did perform a one click install ( always work fine until now).
> Nothing happens when I enter ctrl+alt or ctrl+alt+F1.
> But when I changed session type to TVM the problem disappear and if I
> choice failsafe.
> Then I did the trick sax2, and now the screen is working fine excpept
> it refuse to use 1680105060hz only 1400*1050 SXGA+
> Well, I cant’t have it all?? Any idea?
> Thank’s
> Mats

Sounds like one or 2 things.

When the machine was not working did it actually get to the GUI login where
you put your user password?

Or did you get the loading screen with the progress bar then it starts to
flash on and off and then stops black?

If that is what is happening then it sounds very much like the driver needs
re-installing, now I have never used the oneclick so am a little uncertain
if this is going to work 100% ( if I am wrong then no probs you will not
loose tvm ) use yast and search for kernel amongst the files you should see
the 2 kernel modules for the ATI card, if so then just mark them to be
deleted unless it says that there are new ones in that case mark them to be
upgraded ( I am a bit blurry on this as I don`t know 100% ) but that should
remove the drivers then use Yast to reinstall.

See how that goes.

If that does not work and you are back to square one then repeat the init 3
sax2 -r -m 0=vesa again.

Let us know if that helped.

By the way which desktop do you use and do/did you have effects switched on?


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Hi again,

I have no problem with the screen before GUI login.

I have test both KDE 4.1 and Gnome with same result.

And now I reinstalled from scratch, format all partions and installed without autoconfig checked, downloaded all now availble patches( I think ), took a good look at the parameters for screen an ATI. The system started fine, I got KDE up and running, waited for some min and still fine. Then I logged out and back in again. And then it start again.



mats ulvedal adjusted his/her AFDB on Saturday 08 Aug 2009 21:16 to write:

> Hi again,
> I have no problem with the screen before GUI login.
> I have test both KDE 4.1 and Gnome with same result.
> And now I reinstalled from scratch, format all partions and installed
> without autoconfig checked, downloaded all now availble patches( I think
> ), took a good look at the parameters for screen an ATI. The system
> started fine, I got KDE up and running, waited for some min and still
> fine. Then I logged out and back in again. And then it start again.
> Puhhhh,
> Regards
> Mats

Are you running the effects, either kwin or compiz?

If you are getting to the user login screen then after you have logged in
and the desktop tries to start it is going wrong it looks like a config
problem, get to a terminal or tvm if you can and use YaST and create a new

Try and login as that user to KDE, does that work ( even for a minute or 2

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Hi again,

No, I do not use any effects at all.

And I did create a new user and logged in with KDE3 and it works fine, no problem after 15 - 20 min. Then I logged out and back in to my own account with KDE4 and the problem start after som min.

So I think I will use KDE 3 until I buy a new video card, it must be some strange with KDE4 and I am not the man to fix it.

Is there any place to send loggfiles etc. so people with better skills than me can solve the problem?

If so, what can I do to produce such a logg file and where are they?

Best Regards

mats ulvedal adjusted his/her AFDB on Sunday 09 Aug 2009 12:06 to write:

> Hi again,
> No, I do not use any effects at all.
> And I did create a new user and logged in with KDE3 and it works fine,
> no problem after 15 - 20 min. Then I logged out and back in to my own
> account with KDE4 and the problem start after som min.
> So I think I will use KDE 3 until I buy a new video card, it must be
> some strange with KDE4 and I am not the man to fix it.
> Is there any place to send loggfiles etc. so people with better skills
> than me can solve the problem?
> If so, what can I do to produce such a logg file and where are they?
> Best Regards
> Mats

probably the place to start would be the dot file in your non-working home
it will be a hidden file in a file-manager unless you enable the viewing of
hidden files in the View menu.

You should look for a “.xsession-errors” note the “.” this is just a plain
text file with info in it.

Also look at the Xorg.0.log and messages in /var/log/

One thing to try to see if we can narrow down if it is a setting in KDE4 or
KDE4 on your hardware.

What happens if you log into KDE4 as the new user?

Is it stable or does that crash as well?

If it is stable then that will point to a config of your KDE4 in you normal
user login, this can be further proved by renaming the hidden file in your
original users directory from ( note do not forget the dot )


to something like:


Then logout and back in as that user, you should get a standard default KDE4
interface and see how that goes., if you need to get any data from the old
directory like e-mail settings and stuff it will still be there.

Lets see how that pans out.

If you want to send me the files then just zip them up and send to my
nickname (at) f2s (dot) com and put the word zaphod in the subject line that
way my filters will not drop the mail.

But first check the log file “messages” that there are no entries that might
give personal info away such as e-mail addresses or IP numbers etc*

Plus if you can edit out as much as possible to make the files smaller

  • I do not see why you should trust me, even I do not know what I am doing
    half the time and the other half I do not know who I am :slight_smile:

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It is the same problem for the other user, the problem starts after some minuts even on that account.

I will try the other stuff later this week, and I send you a zip file.
Now I have to let my wife use the computer for a while and she hates Linux ( women ) so we have to load The dark side system.

Have a good one

mats ulvedal adjusted his/her AFDB on Sunday 09 Aug 2009 18:36 to write:

> Hi,
> thanks.
> It is the same problem for the other user, the problem starts after
> some minuts even on that account.
> I will try the other stuff later this week, and I send you a zip file.
> Now I have to let my wife use the computer for a while and she hates
> Linux ( women ) so we have to load The dark side system.
> Have a good one

UK give a shout when you are back I think we might be narrowing this down

Not got the mail yet, you did send to:

baskitcaise (at) f2s (dot) com


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I downloaded the last ATI driver from
and now it works much better. The screen have stop to turn black and it seems to be stable.

I use Xfce now, and I will install KDE 4.1 use that instead. See how that works.

The only thing now is that the screen updates a little slowly.
I hope that is a configuration miss somewhere, if it’s the new driver I do not know what to do.

I let you you know

Thanks again for all help.