Schedule update on MicroOS

Hello everyone,
I’m using MicroOS in a prod env, and I really need the OS doesn’t reboot during the week.
Surfing the web i found the services who update and reboot the OS: transactional-update.timer and rebootmgr.service.

How can I set the services to trigger only on sunday?

i don’t really want to disable these type of services so as not to reduce system security

Thanks a lot for answering

Did you read that: Kubic:Update and Reboot - openSUSE Wiki
and the linked man-pages?

From how I understand it you can set a maintenance window in rebootmgr but that’s like a daily time in which a reboot could take place if the service is triggered.

If you are sure that the transactional-update.timer is the only thing that triggers rebootmgr you could schedule that on Sundays. The format in a systemd timer could look like this (as given by the example from the link above):

#the first entry is to delete existing timer, else only a new one is added additional
OnCalendar=Sun 08:00

to just run the transaction-update.timer on Sundays at 08:00h.

If you have the whole Sunday free for reboots, from how I understand the description, you could set the rebootmgr to “instantly” to start the reboot after the rebootmgr got triggered.

But that is just what I concluded by reading the link and the man pages. So, please double check whether everything is working as expected and if rebootmgr is really just triggered by transactional-update.timer.

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Thank you so mutch!
I didn’t find the article before

I’ve followed this steps

cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/transactional-update.timer /etc/systemd/system

nano /etc/systemd/system/transactional-update.timer

and edited this part

OnCalendar=Sun 04:00


And it looks working! (after a reboot)

Thank you again :smiley:

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