Scared penguin please help!

Os version 11.1
Problem: On the green splash screen when the progress bar is at nearly half its position everything goes blank; and even the moniter says that its not getting any signal.
What all I did after installing the os: non oss and oss repos, ati repo, and i changed my splash screen, but i think ati is the culprit.
What do I do?

First try the Failsafe boot.
Why on earth did you try changing the splash anyway?

Check here for ATI info
ATI - openSUSE

I can do the failsafe boot
But I cant access the gui[kde]

At the login prompt did you login with username then password

then type:


Does running sax2 help?

from cli as su

sax2 -r

might help sort it. but I’m not really sure where you are up to.