I have been trying to setup my Samsung SCX-4826FN printer with no success. Leap 15.1 recognizes the printer and has it listed as attached but will not load a driver for it. I have tried to load drivers from the internet but have been unable to install them. I have had this same printer setup and configured in Mint 19 without issue. I am a new user seeking direction on this problem.
Welcome to openSUSE Forums. Unfortunately, the information you’ve provided is a bit vague. You mentioned that you tried to download/install a driver package from the internet. Can you tell us where you got the driver from and what problems you had when installing it. Capturing output (including errors) can be helpful in such circumstances.
An HP site hosting the Samsung (Linux) driver package for this model
The payload needs to be extracted first, then run the install.sh from a terminal (as root).
Along with YaST, some desktop environments provide GUI printer configuration utilities, and you can configure CUPS via it’s inbuilt web interface (which is what I prefer)…
Select ‘Add Printer’ and follow the prompts given.
See how that goes. If you get stuck report back here.
BTW, I assume from your statement…
Leap 15.1 recognizes the printer and has it listed as attached but will not load a driver for it.
…that your printer is USB-attached. Please confirm that is the case and not connected via a LAN.
Thank you very much!!!. I have the printer working with the help of your instructions and I learned a few new commands for loading/installing executable files. Yes, the printer is USB attached. Thanks again
Glad to have been of assistance!