Same wallpaper for diferent desktops?

Hi, there!
How can I display different images on each desktop in openSUSE 11.1?
I changed the desktop wallpaper but I see the same wallpaper for all 4

Thank you, in advance.

[Adrián Córdoba]

aecordoba’s Profile:
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Hi, that does not work in KDE4 yet. You’ll have to wait for KDE4.3.


supertimorplusfort’s Profile:
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Thank you. I’ll wait.

[Adrián Córdoba]

aecordoba’s Profile:
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I have always had this issue and have the perfect solution. Now as a
newbie to linux this may be a harsh work around…

I have always created one long background that spans across all my
screens and section them off for each screen… does that make sense?

So if i have two screens 1024x768, i make one big image in photoshop or
gimp at the size 2048x768, and put one image on one half and the other
on the other half. But the trick is, atleast in windows, is you have to
tile the image to make it work properly…

I duno if i explained that well, but it does work.


Desktop: Linux x86_64 | OS 11.0 | KDE 3.5 | Nvidia 7950
GT | Intel Core2 Duo 6600 2.4ghz | 4GB RAM
Laptop: IBM X31 | OS Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy | Pentium M | 1GB RAM

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