Samba don't show on dolphin (discoverable)

Hi everyone I am on Opensuse LEAP 15.6, and this is my smb.conf configuration file via dolphin (KDE), or via a windows machine I do not see my samba server is hidden.
But I can access and everything works perfectly via smb://IP
Where could be the problem? Sorry I’m a beginner, thanks in advance

#======================= Global Settings ==============================>
   workgroup = WORKGROUP
   server string = Samba Server
   netbios name = [NOME_SERVER]
   security = user
   map to guest = Bad User
   dns proxy = no
   local master = yes
   preferred master = yes
   wins support = yes
#============================ Share Definitions =======================>
   comment = Musica con permessi completi per [NOME_UTENTE]
   path = /[PERCORSO]/Music
   browseable = yes
   guest ok = no
   read only = no
   valid users = [NOME_UTENTE]
   create mask = 0777
   directory mask = 0777

   comment = Musica con permessi di sola lettura per altri utenti
   path = /[PERCORSO]/Music
   browseable = yes
   guest ok = yes
   read only = yes

   comment = Biblioteca di Calibre
   path = /[PERCORSO]/calibre/config/Biblioteca_di_Calibre
   browseable = yes
   guest ok = no
   read only = no
   valid users = [NOME_UTENTE]
   create mask = 0777
   directory mask = 0777

To make your samba server visible to modern Windows environments use WS-Discovery.

Subscribe to the network repo and install wsdd with

sudo zypper in wsdd

Make sure that the systemd service is active

sudo systemctl status wsdd

With respect to Dolphin, are you referring to samba shares on the local host? In any case, for linux hosts Aavhi is used for service discovery. The samba servers should be enumerated via Network > Samba Folder (SMB)…

Could be a firewall issue. Try first with firewall disabled and see if it works.
If it does: activate home profile and add rules for detection of smb servers.

nothing change with wsdd

You haven’t shown your working firewall configuration. Is Dolphin running on the same machine or another network host?

My firewall configuration

fatalii@omv:~> sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
[sudo] password for root: 
public (default, active)
  target: default
  ingress-priority: 0
  egress-priority: 0
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: eth0
  services: cockpit dhcpv6-client samba ssh
  ports: 137/udp 138/udp 139/tcp 445/tcp
  forward: yes
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

If you are trying to discover samba shares on a remote linux host you will need to allow mdns.

No my machines are different, I also tried with a windows vm, the client is fedora while the server is leap

Add ‘mdns’ to the firewall. Dolphin can use Avahi to discover Linux samba hosts.

See what is returned by

avahi-browse -art

You may need to install the ‘avahi-utils’ package first.

I just tested network discovery on my Windows laptop, (and a Leap host providing a samba share and advertised via wsdd2 service). The Linux samba server is shown…

Note: Make sure that the Windows network is set to private (not public) to allow discovery to work.

It works now but I’m not sure what the solution is

I’m not sure what you mean. Are you trying to convey that the Windows machine can discover the samba server now?

yes we practically succeeded